Chapter Three: Project Begins

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Chan had gone to Changbin's group, and convinced him to rejoin after an emotional greeting - mainly Changbin just crying his eyes out, and Chan comforting him. Changbin joined him on encountering Woojin now, the two staring at the huge building that Woojin had built to make his group. Chan did make sure he had a mask on though, not really comfortable on making his identity known even after the two years. 

"Wow... he really went all out."

Chan muttered, before smiling gently. But Woojin was like that, going all out to not disappoint. The two headed up to the building, only to be stopped by one of the guards there,

"Who are you two? And why are you here?"

"I'm here to speak with, Kim Woojin. I'm Seo Changbin, and he's Chris."

Changbin spoke up, using Chan's English name, since people in Korea know Chan from his korean name. Chan looked at the boy and smiled through his mask even though he couldn't see it,

"I would make my face known, but i have a huge scar that i'd rather keep hidden, i apologize."

The boy seemed to buy it, and soon they were being led into Woojin's office, who was sitting at his desk in the chair. Their oldest looked up from the papers, and tilted his head when he saw Changbin, not entirely processing Chan at the moment,

"Changbin? It's been a while, how come you show up now?"

Changbin smiled at him, before gesturing towards Chan,

"You should be saying that to this guy."

Woojin looked away from Changbin, spotting Chan now who lowered the mask off his face, and his chair went flying backwards. He immediately grabbed Chan and hugged him tightly, Chan squeaking,

"Can.. barely breathe, Woojin-hyung-"

Woojin released him, and just rambled,

"Where the hell were you?! Do you ave any clue how much the others and i suffered? I'm sorry i disbanded the group, we couldn't keep control because you were gone and now you're back and just-"

"Relax... it was a good thing you did. I was in a coma for two years and BTS had taken me in.. I talked with Jeongin,Hyunjin and Seungmin already.. Seungmin.. didn't want to rejoin and come back with me, but it's alright anyways. I talked with Felix and Jisung, and they both came back. The four are at BTS' hideout currently, and Changbin agreed to come back as well, but he joined me to come encounter you and Minho."

Woojin opened his mouth, ready to tell Chan that he would be unable to rejoin with him due to the group he had started, but Chan beat him to it,

"I already expect a rejection to rejoin anyways... You have your own group and everything and just.. I won't take that away from you. I was just coming here to let you know that i'm.. well alive. So that you didn't continue believing i was gone forever and everything."

Chan smiled, before pulling the mask back up over his mouth and nose, before turning,

"It was nice seeing you, hyung. I hope all goes well for your group."

Woojin wasn't given a chance to say anything, Chan just heading out immediately, as if he didn't want to be there any longer. Changbin hesitated, seeming like he wanted to say something but followed Chan without any words. Woojin watched them go, before running a hand through his hair, and grabbing his chair to put it back in place.


Changbin followed Chan to where he felt like Chan didn't want to go to. The boy watched the leader hesitate, body tense as if he was ready to turn and leave, but forced himself to greet the person at the door, informing them of who he was and who Changbin was. And soon the two were waiting in a empty room, each sitting on a chair. Chan was fidgeting, unable to hold still. Minho walked into the room, spotting Changbin first, having a similar situation like Woojin,

"Ah, it's been a long ass time, Changbin. Whose with you?"

Minho didn't recognize him at first, due to him looking down, but when he looked up, Minho could clearly make out who he was. Immediate anger flew through him, moving immediately and grabbing ahold of Chan's shirt, lifting him and shoving him into the nearest wall,

"Why the hell are you suddenly here?! Why are you back?! You disappeared on us for two years and you just come waltzing back in like nothing happened?!"

Minho snapped, making sure Chan was unable to escape from the wall, having him trapped against it. The masked leader just looked at him calmly, while Changbin began to explain everything,

"He was in a damn coma for two years, Minho! He was found by BTS bleeding out and almost dead! If anything its our fault for not going and searching for him!"

Changbin snapped, hoping Minho would release Chan. But it seemed to piss the boy off even more, Chan's gaze never wavering and looking away from Minho's anger filled one. Despite the pain lacing the determined gaze, and the pain sounding in his voice from the tight grip the boy had on his neck,

"I-if i could, i would've came back the moment i got hurt... I w-wouldn't have left you guys."

Chan managed to get out, Minho snorting loudly,

"Then why didn't you?! You're supposed to be smart like that Chan!"

"I tried. I really did... I don't expect you to come back. I don't expect anything. I just wouldn't live with myself knowing you thought i was dead or whatever.."

Chan responded, voice quiet and soft how it used to be when he dealt with an angry Minho. Minho loosened his grip on the leader, before releasing him,

"Leave.. both of you, just.. leave."

Chan smiled sadly behind the mask, but Minho couldn't see it. Changbin pressed his lips together, before following Chan out without saying anything other than giving Minho a disappointed look.

The two arrived at BTS' hideout soon enough, the other members immediately greeting Changbin, but they frowned whenever Woojin and Minho wasn't with them,

"Woojin didn't want to leave the group he created.. And Minho... he's mad at Chan.. And Chan is clearly affected by it but he isn't saying anything.."

Changbin explained, watching their leader sit down on a chair by the window, greeting the leader of BTS, as the two fell into a conversation that they tuned out of. Despite Chan acting normally, Changbin couldn't help but worry for Chan, since after all... Minho and him had the closest relationship than anyone else.

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