Chapter Four: Hyunjin's plan

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The boys were given a huge room to share, there being at least six beds in there. Changbin and Felix had the two beds closest to each other by the door, Hyunjin and Jeongin had the bed by the window, while Jisung and Chan had the ones in the corner of the room. The others were already curled up in bed, Hyunjin being wide awake laying on the bed. He stared up at the roof, before pressing his lips together, and standing up. He glanced over at Chan's bed, knowing full well that he was probably up. But the peaceful rise and falling of the leaders chest made him believe he was asleep - although he was sure he was hearing sounds of quiet sobs coming from Chan's bed around like 20 minutes ago. Hyunjin silently exited the room, grabbing the hoodie that Chan was wearing earlier that day, and slipped it on. 

He put the hood over his head, and slipped out of the hideout, trudging towards a bike that was leaned against the wall. Hyunjin climbed on-top of it, and soon he was pedaling out of the mini-forest, and heading down the street to where he knew Woojin's group company was. When he reached it, he saw the lights still on, relaxing the boy before he climbed off the bike and leaned it against a tree. Hyunjin put his hood down, so the guard could see who he was,

"I'm here to see, Woojin.. He knows who i am, we... we knew each other a couple of years ago."

Hyunjin smiled gently, successfully getting the taller boy to lead him into the building and down a few hallways. Hyunjin stared wide eyed at the decorations, before a door opening made him look forward,

"Hyunjin? It's late and aren't you supposed to be with Chan?"

Hyunjin's lips formed a wide smile at the sight of Woojin, and immediately bounced into his arms, hugging him tightly,

"I missed you! Plus.. we need to talk.."

Hyunjin muttered, voice suddenly going serious. Woojin sighed, and dismissed the guard and brought Hyunjin into the office,

"Speak then."

Woojin sat down on his chair behind the desk, eyes trained on the younger who took a seat on top of the desk. Hyunjin crossed his legs, and hummed,

"Chan's hurting. I know he is even if he smiles all pretty and holds a positive mindset. Even if he assures us that he understands our choices and lets us be. He wants you back. He wants Seungmin back. More of all, he wants Minho back."

"Hyunjin, i just cant-"

Woojin began but Hyunjin shut him up with a glare,

"And im sorry to say this, but Chan-hyung needs me to do this. And no he didn't tell me to come do this, i literally decided to do it just now."

Woojin frowned, Hyunjin continuing to speak as he inspected his nails,

"If you think a company filled with people you were never close to since childhood is more important than returning to the friends- no my bad FAMILY you care for, be my guest and stay here. But i have more important things to do like getting Seungmin and Minho to come back for Chan." 

Hyunjin didn't even let Woojin respond setting a piece of paper down that had the address on it, having got off his desk, and begun walking towards the doors, opening it and taking a step out until he looked over his shoulder,

"I look forward to knowing your answer by the time sunset arrives."

Hyunjin shut the door behind him, and walked down the hall. He smiled at the boy at the door, and soon was on the bike, heading for the Young Threat's hideout, licking his lips calmly. What he didn't expect to come face to face with a hooded Seungmin.

"Why are you riding on a bike at this time of night?"

"Why are you hooded, walking at this time of night?"

Hyunjin retorted, Seungmin pressed his lips together, before sighing,

"I.. i got lonely. I thought the group was making me happy but i was happy because i still had previous members of Straykids with me and... Now that Chan is back, i just want to be there... I want to see him, make sure it's actually him.."

Seungmin's voice began to crack, Hyunjin sighing and hugging him, 

"Well it's really him.. Go to this address, and tell the guard there that Hyunjin sent you ok? Tell him you're with Chan.."

Seungmin nodded taking the paper, and watched Hyunjin pedal off now, before heading down the street to go to the address.  Hyunjin arrived soon enough at the Vice Lords hideout, informing the guard he was here for Minho, mainly to talk to him.  The guard sighed, clearly annoyed by it, but allowed him access and led him where Minho would join him soon enough. Hyunjin sat on the arm of a chair, arms across his chest as he looked around. He looked aside soon when Minho walked into the room,

"What are you doing here, Hyunjin?"

"Can i not come talk to my favorite hyung~?"

Hyunjin teased, Minho giving a look towards him,

"Joking, we all know Woojin-hyung is my favorite! Anyways, i did want to come talk though."

Hyunjin grinned, until his face suddenly went scarily serious. Even Minho's lips twitched, but his posture didn't change.

"If it's about Chan, i will not listen to you."

Minho warned, but Hyunjin ignored him and begun talking, stretching,

"Everyone misses you, hyung. Specifically Chan, but i guess since you don't want to hear about him, i won't tell you how he cried himself to sleep, and shut himself off for a good few hours until everyone was heading off to bed after eating. Or how when he arrived he looked like he was going to cry, but stayed strong."

Hyunjin looked at Minho from the corner of his eye, knowing Minho was listening intently, and seeing the conflicted look on his face made Hyunjin inwardly cheer.

"I'm also surprised... Chan never gets scars but when he was changing into pajamas, he had a huge scar running from his neck to his chest.. He even has one on his jaw, and i guess the mask hide that one."

Hyunjin continued on, humming softly, before his phone went off. He took it, and checked the message, before Jeongin's phone ID flared to life. Answering it immediately, he put it to his ear frowning,

"Chan has a separation anxiety thing. But it didn't flare because he woke up from an nightmare.. He's panicking, hyung! He keeps repeating Woojin-hyungs name, as well as seungmin-hyung, minho-hyung, and noticed that you were gone and now he's repeating your name and just- No one can calm him down! Not even Felix.."

"Seungmin is on his way there, so don't worry about that part.. Woojin-hyung im unsure about... I went to his hideout and i think i managed to convince him to comeback.. I'm with Minho-hyung right now, but i just... I can't. He doesn't want to hear about anything, so i guess i'll be there quick. Make sure Chan-hyung's breathing ok, ok?"

Hyunjin informed, and moved to straighten himself. Minho looked confused, watching Hyunjin move quickly,

"Hyunjin, whats going on..?"

Hyunjin didn't respond until he got off the phone, and tucked it in his pocket,

"Chan-hyung has separation anxiety, and is in need of me being there. He want's Seungmin and Woojin-hyung there too, and you, but clearly you don't care enough for that, so bye."

Hyunjin spoke, his voice deadly calm yet have coldness lacing in it. He moved to exit the room, but a hand gripping his arm stopped him,

"...Let me tell my leader that im leaving... I'm gonna come with you."

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