Chapter 8: Now For The Enemy

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The boy's were on another mission, this time all of them forcing Chan to let them come. Chan had no choice but to accept, especially when he worried them all greatly. The boy's were currently spread out around a warehouse, that nearly brought memories from the past, but a hand on his shoulder brought him out of his thoughts. 

"Hyung, relax... You're thinking too much, and it can cause you to get hurt.."

Minho spoke softly, before heading to get to his position. Chan sighed, looking at him, before pulling the mask up over his mouth and nose. He checked if he had all of his knives and weapons, waiting for a signal from Hyunjin to go. Everything seemed to go smoothly though, Hyunjin easily directing the members in the warehouse, until a panicked alarm rang through his ear,

"There's people here! Five of them, Chan-hyung please come in here.. Their leader want's to meet you.."

Chan moved almost instantly, hopping over the rail, sliding down the ladder quickly, before he ran into the building. Hyunjin shouted in his ear, about how it was a trap, but it was too late when he felt a force hit his back, sending him to the ground. Chan hissed in pain a bit, a hand holding the mask in place, before he got up and grabbed one of his knives, swiping at the person above him. He managed to get them to back up enough for him to get up quickly and grab his gun,

"Release my members."

Chan hissed out, ignoring the stinging pain on his arms and jaw. The boy snorted a bit,

"Funny, a simple demand won't help you get your mem-"

The man shouted in pain, holding his thigh when Chan fired a shot into it, eyes deadly cold,

"Release. My. Members. And i will stay until we are done here."

"Chan no-"

Hyunjin began in his ear, but the male already grinned,

"Deal. Young K, release the boys and make sure they are out and gone."

"Yes, Sungjin."

Who he assumed was Young K, moved and untied the boys and shoved them towards the exit. Chan watched them go, not missing their worried looks when they looked back at them. Chan breathed out heavily, before facing the five boys, eyes narrowed,

"Now what do you want?"

"For you to surrender."

Sungjin grinned, but Chan snorted, clearly not going to let that happen. 

"Aite, Dowoon. Take his weapons away, but let his mask stay on. I'd rather not know his face since it's probably ugly anyways."

Chan growled at the boy, Dowoon, refusing to let him touch him. Instead, Chan took the weapons off himself, throwing them at the ground on the feet, only after unloading the gun ammo onto the ground so they don't get any ideas. 

Chan knew it wouldn't be today or tomorrow when he gets out.


Woojin slammed his hands on a table, snapping,

"Damnit! He's such an idiot!"

Everyone was panicking at this point, not knowing how they would save their leader at all. They ran a hand through their hair, frustrated completely. Minho was pacing, on the phone with someone, Jeongin crying and wailing about how he didn't want Chan to actually die this time. Jisung was holding onto Seungmin and Felix who both were just silently sobbing. Changbin was nearly going to break something, Hyunjin pissed off at how he couldn't do shit to stop his leader.

Woojin sat down on a chair, head in his hands, until Minho got off the phone and looked over,

"Ateez is on their way. They'll help us try to save Chan-hyung. I swear if they touched him yet, im going to be pissed-"

"They most likely did, Minho. He has an attitude, so clearly he's gonna get himself hurt."

Woojin remarked, causing the younger to fall silent after a moment. Minho sighed softly, 

"Woojin-hyung.. everyone's just as worried as you are.."

Woojin didn't respond, Minho sighing. The room was silent except for the sobs of Jeongin and the younger members. A knock sounded on the door, Minho opening it, greeting the Ateez members,

"Thank you for coming... We have a lot to talk about."

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