Panic Attack

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Relationship: Y/N and Colby are dating

You sat on your bed with your knees curled up to your chest. You rested your head against the backboard of Colby's bed and stared at the ceiling. You felt the hot tears dribble down your face and soak into the t-shirt you were wearing. All the hate to you from the press, fans, and people who didn't know your name were finally getting to you. You couldn't check your twitter without seeing another tweet about how much of a slut you were.
You tried to swallow the pain but a hoarse sob came out. You slapped your hand over your mouth and checked to make sure you hadn't woken Colby. You couldn't let him see you like this.
Ever so carefully, you crawled over Colby and made your way to the bathroom you two shared with Sam. As you passed Sam's room, you could see the light still on. You closed the bathroom door behind you and cringed at your reflection in the mirror. Your eyes were red and puffy and tears stained your cheeks.
You turned on the shower in hopes that the sound would drown out your crying. You stepped in fully clothed. The water slid off your hair and splashed around your socks. You sat on the bottom of the tub and let the warm water wash over you and soak your clothes. You were sobbing now, and you couldn't tell shower water from tears running down your face. Your wet clothes clung to your skin and a few strands of hair were plastered to your cheeks.
You heard the bathroom door open and caught a sob in the back of your throat.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Sam inquired, a hint of worry in his voice. "Don't worry - I'm covering my eyes."
"I'm not naked," You squeaked, but your voice cracked into a sob. Sam delicately pulled back the shower curtain. His worried expression only got more concerned when he saw you curled in a ball on the shower floor, your clothes drenched. He held out his hand for you and helped you up.
"I can see you're not okay. What's wrong?" he said as he wrapped his arms around you, letting his clothes get soaked. You struggled to make out words, your hands shook as you grabbed onto his shirt.
"I-I just..." You took a shaky breath to try and calm yourself. "Everyone hates me. I don't know what I did wrong. People that don't even know me are calling me a slut and whore. I don't understand how they can say that to someone they've never met!" The words came tumbling out of me like an unclogged faucet.
"Oh, Y/N, they don't hate you. They're just jealous of you and rant about it on social media as they sit at home with their computer to shield them. You are perfect in every way possible and I couldn't think of a single bad thing about you," Sam said while rubbing your back.
"Thank you, Sam," you whispered.
"It's my duty as your boyfriend's best friend to make sure you're okay, you know that?" You nodded and giggled. "Wanna hang with me until you feel better? I'm watching a movie."
"That would be great," you said. You grabbed some dry clothes and threw them on and met Sam in his room. You continued to watching the movie but soon enough you'd fallen asleep on Sam's chest.
Sam picked you up and you subconsciously wrapped your legs around his waist. He carried you back to Colby's room. Colby was awake but didn't look mad - just curious.
"I found her crying in the bathroom and didn't want to wake you. Panic attack, I'm assuming," Sam whispers. Colby nods and sets his laptop on the floor creating space on his lap for Sam to set you down. You immediately settled into his arms and his familiar scent comforted you.
"Thanks for taking care of her, bro," Colby whispered. Sam smiled and nodded and went back to his room.
"I love you, princess." Colby kissed your forehead before turning out the light.

Colby Brock Imagines/OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now