Sexual Abuse

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Relationship: You are Jake's younger sister. You and Colby have gotten somewhat close because you live in the same house. *read first few paragraphs of Exploration Gone Wrong Part 1 to understand more.*

I headed downstairs for breakfast.

I checked my phone to see that it was 8:30 am. No one else was awake. I looked through the cupboards and found some cereal and poured myself a bowl. I sat at the counter and ate until I heard a knock on the door. I set my phone down and answered it.

A tall boy with tousled blonde hair stood there.

"I'm Brent, nice to meet you," he said enthusiastically, holding out his hand. I shook it. "May I ask who you are, beautiful?"

"I could ask you the same thing," I retorted, quite disgusted by the nickname he gave me.

He explained that he was one of Colby's friends from Kansas, who happened to get a job offer in Cali and was staying with us for a few days so he could get interviewed for the job.

"So will you answer my question now?" He inquired. "Who is the pretty lady who answered the door at the trap house?"

"Brent, cut it out," Colby said, coming up behind me. I quickly moved out of the way as they playfully greeted each other.

"Well, I'm gonna go finish my breakfast," I mumbled, leaving them to catch up on the last year.

A few minutes later, as I was finishing my cereal, I felt someone's hands grab my shoulders and begin to massage them.

"Will you finally answer my question?" Brent's voice came from behind me. I pryed his hands off my shoulders and scooted my chair back so it hit his feet. "Ouch!"

"Don't touch me," I said monotonely as I stood up and brought my dishes to the sink.

"Okay, okay!" He said, putting his hands up in defense. "I just wanted to know who you were." Something about this dude made me hate him after his first words came out of his mouth, so I ignored his question and began to wash my bowl. I grabbed the dishsoap and squirted it on a sponge.

"Can't you just tell me your name?" This time his voice came from right behind my ear. He grabbed my hips and pressed himself against my butt. Startled, I dropped the bowl and sponge into the sink.

"I'm Jake's sister, okay?! Now stop touching me!" I said harshly but quietly. I didn't want others to hear what was going on in the kitchen. I attempted to slip out from between him and the counter, but he held onto my hips and pushed me harder against the sink. I grunted from the pain of my pelvis hitting the counter edge.

"Ooooooh, I like that sound," he said. "Do it again." He grabbed my hands and held them against the counter and thrusted his hips against me again. No matter how hard I tried not to, the impact pushed air out of me and I let out another pained grunt.

"Get off of me!" I hissed between clenched teeth. We both heard the bathroom door open and he let go of me immediately and backed away. I left my bowl in the sink and ran into the gaming room. What had just happened?

"You want something to eat, Brent?" Colby asked.

"Sure," Brent said. Anger boiled up in me at how cheerful he sounded. I got off the couch and dashed through the kitchen in order to avoid Brent as much as possible. I ran to Jake and I's room, keeping my head down as I walked through the door.

"Uh, Y/N? Are you okay?" Jake asked, looking up from his phone.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," I mumbled. I plopped down on my bed and turned on my phone. Jake stood up and walked over to me.

"You don't seem fine," he said. I rolled my eyes.

"I am," I stated. Jake looked at me for a moment, a mix of worry and confusion etched into his expression.

"Just tell me if you need anything," he said. He started heading out the bedroom door, but stopped and popped his head back inside the room.

"Hey, just so you know, all the roommates are going out for lunch to talk about YouTube stuff. Since Brent doesn't do that, he'll be staying back with you, just so you know." And with that, he headed downstairs.

About an hour later, I heard a loud knock at my door, suddenly realizing that with all the roommates gone, I was home alone with Brent.

I froze and held my breath.

"May I come in?" My body shuddered at the sound of Brent's distinct voice. He spoke so cheerfully, as if he wasn't giving me a panic attack.

"No," I growled, but my voice quivered. Despite my quite clear response, Brent entered my room. I clenched my fists around my blankets.

"I said no!" I snarled. I furrowed my brows and gave him my best death glare, but he remained unfazed. Brent stopped walking towards me about halfway across the room. He shifted his weight to one foot and cocked his head slightly.

"You're too pretty to just leave alone," he said, sticking out his bottom lip. I recoiled enough that my back was pressing up against the wall. He let out a hefty sigh before making his way to my bed.

"Leave me alone," I hissed. I forcefully kicked his thighs once he was standing close enough. He grabbed my knees and firmly opened my legs, making my heels dig into the bed. He leaned over me so our faces were only inches apart, and I did the only thing I could think of doing.

I lifted my hand and slapped him across the face. He stumbled backwards, holding his cheek in his hands. I glared at him and held my own hand as the stinging of my palm died down.

"I said not to touch me!" I yelled. His eyes went from wide in shock to narrowed in anger.

"You....," he huffed, "you b*tch!" He stomped towards me, palm raised. I grabbed my pillow and held in front of me to deflect the hit, but it never came. Brent cursed under his breath and ran out of the room. There was a silence before I heard it, too.

The familiar sound of Aaron's bed creaking as he got up could be heard from my room. I sighed in relief, but the anger inside me still boiled to the brim.

Colby Brock Imagines/OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now