Exploration Gone Wrong Part 1

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Relationship: You are Jake's younger sister. You have known Colby for about 2 weeks now and got somewhat close because you lived in the same house.

You made kissy lips at the camera and batted your eyelashes as Sam and Colby did their intro. Jake slapped you causing you to laugh. You looked at him just as he looked at you, his dimples etched into his cheeks as he laughed. It was so nice to have your older brother around again. Ever since he moved out to LA to live with the roommates, you didn't really have anyone to spend time with.

You and Jake had a pretty spectacular relationship as siblings. You rarely fought, and Jake was even protective of you sometimes. Ever since you two were little, you were each other's best friends. Though he had only been gone for 6 months, you had missed him enough to convince your parents to let you drive out to visit. His roommates were nice enough to let you live with them for a whole 3 months and be a part of their videos.

"What is happening behind us?" Colby laughed, pointing the camera towards you and Jake. You waved at the camera.

"You ready to explore?" Colby asked you.

"Sure?" You shrugged your shoulders.

"I think you're ready, Y/N," Jake said, smiling at you. You felt a surge of confidence from his simple gesture.

"Hey, just wondering," Jake asked, "once we've gotten in, what is our exit strategy?"

"Our what?" Sam and Colby asked in unison.

"Oh my god, we're gonna die," you mumbled.

"Let's just go!" Sam yelled, already walking down the path that lead to the abandoned hotel.

You and Jake made eye contact, worried expressions etched onto your faces before bursting into laughter.

Once you got into the hotel, you decided to split into groups of two. There wasn't much time until sunrise, and Sam and Colby wanted the viewers to see the whole place, so by splitting into groups of two, you'd have time to film the whole thing. You went with Jake to explore the main floor.

The main floor of the hotel wasn't very interesting. Just the lobby, a couple bathrooms, a pool, and a mini restaurant. Once you and Jake finished exploring, you went to meet back up with Sam and Colby.

"Where did Sam and Colby go?" You asked.

"Well, based on the direction of the wind, the stacks of paper in the corner, and the slight disturbance in the dust, I'd guess they went upstairs," Jake said.

"You could really figure it out from all that?"

"No, you idiot. They sent me a text. See?" Jake showed you his phone.

"Oh," you said, disappointed. "I was kinda hoping Sam and Colby had taught you some cool exploring tips or something."


"Did you guys hear that?" Sam asked. He spun around, scanning the hallway with his flashlight. The rest of you did the same. Nothing.

"Something about this place makes me feel so uncomfortable," Colby said, rubbing his arm with one hand.

"Same," Jake replied. "Y/N, please stay close to the rest of us." You had trailed behind a bit examining the architecture, so you ran over to them. As you passed Colby to get to Jake, a sudden banging echoed down the hall.

You grabbed onto Colby's arm out of fear. For a second you were shocked by how bulky his arms were, but another loud bang brought you out of your trance. You tightened your grip, and everyone froze. Minutes went by, and you brought your hand down to Colby's and laced your fingers with his. He gave you a reassuring squeeze.

Colby Brock Imagines/OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now