~°|♡Chapter One♡|°~

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~•|3rd Person POV|•~

The blonde-haired girl stirred awake from her slumbering consciousness state of mind and entered reality. She awoke to a strange, unrecognizable noise she perceived just outside of her bedroom. Being the light sleeper that she was, little noises and creaks created around the house and throughout the night could easily wake her up from her sleep.

Rubbing the sleep from her tired eyes and emitting a soft yawn from her parted lips, Sophie moved to sit up and glanced around her darkened room, the duvets falling from her form in a muted thump. Her eyes lazily trailed over to the alarm clock on her bedside table. The digital green numbers behind the screen displayed '1:23' AM. She puffed her cheeks and huffed out in annoyance, knowing that she wouldn't be able to catch any more sleep this night.

The pink curtains on her window weren't covering the window, they were pushed to the sides. It allowed the moons dim white light to easily streak into her room with gleaming interest. The moonlight casted a gentle glow on her bed, lighting her and other things in her bedroom and appearing visible in the night. That's when she noticed something odd in the corner of her eye.

Turning her head to the side, she directed her vision over to her bed. At the foot of her bed, there laid a brightly colored and rounded object. She couldn't detect quite what it was, but she didn't recall ever placing something there before going to bed. It had to have been placed there by someone or something.

Tilting her head slightly in confusion and furrowing her brows together, she pushed the colorful duvets off her form and crawled over to the edge of her bed. She sat cross-legged and gazed curiously down at what was there, her eyes shimmering in puzzlement and interest. There sat a pastel colored egg with small white hearts scattered all around the interior of the egg. The colors were beautiful and memorizing, and blended in together nicely.

She looked at the egg, confused. How did it get there? And how was it resting so perfectly up? If it had been there for a while, it would have surely toppled over and yet, it wasn't. It stood perfectly tall at an even angel. She reached her hands out clasped onto the pastel colored egg in her hands, her eyes roaming around the egg in confusion.

'What if it's Jamie pulling another one of his shenanigans?'

She softly shook her head from side to side and cracked a small smile at the thought of her goofy brother pulling another one of his playful tricks, but that thought that was quickly dismissed as she had sudden Deja Vu moment strike her unexpectedly when gazing down at the egg.

She didn't understand why, but she found herself not being able to look away from the painted egg. It was as if she was compelled to look, captivated by the egg and forbidden to glance away. Her eyes stared at it intently, unblinkingly, then after a moment, she blinked in sudden remembrance. Her rondured green hues sparkled in sudden realization, expanding greatly in her eye sockets. Almost as if she had an epiphany occur to her.

For some odd reason she recognized that it wasn't just no ordinary egg, no, it was an old gift that a special childhood friend had gifted to her when she was very young. Like a great wash of water from a tidal wave, Sophie was suddenly flooded over with memories of the past of her childhood. Who the identity of her friend was, most importantly- what her friend was.

It was a grayish fluffy blur at first, then it adjusted and the image became crystal clear in her mind.

It was the Easter Bunny.

She had somehow forgotten about him over the years. She frowned sadly, the corners of her mouths dipping. How could she have just forgotten about Bunny? Their friendship was inseparable- he was her Bunny, and she was his little Ankle-Biter. They spent so much time together, and the memories just vanished from thin air, completely wiped from her memory? How could that be?

|| Blossomed || Bunnymund x Sophie BennettWhere stories live. Discover now