Chapter 2: Meeting Him

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As I woke up later that day I had a feeling that the day is going to be a very bad day. It all started when I was getting ready for the day, when I had put both my rings on they felt very heavy an one for the started to burn me alittle but that was nothing new to me it would normaly stop burning after an bit. However to the burning just started to hurt me more and more.

I had once asked takashiro and he had said that its because my rings does not hold a divine power like the rest of the rings, no the two I have holds a shared sin of man. What that sin was he did not tell me however he did tell me the pain is caused by the sheer fact that I have both rings on, the one that is burning my does not belong to me but to me partner.

With that conversation repeating in my thoughs I made my way to the kitchen one word from that conversation left a very bad teast in my mouth and the word was partner you see in the "clan" that we are a part of we work in teams of two, partners who share almost everything. They also share the pain and load of the divine powers of the rings they have. The rings we al have have the power to turn in to weapons well the only one how does not have a ring is my twin brother Yuki because his partner Luka is his sword and shield.But there is where I came in I dont have a partner I have no one I can count on. When we are fighting or on a mission Im on my own. So thats the reason why I have both rings that Takashiro gave me on.

As I got into the kitchen I was greated by Yuki and Luka."good morning K". I greeted them with a small nod and then turned away. It wasnt that I didnt want to talk to them its just that Im normally not a moring person and would only start talking after I had at least 2 cups of coffee. However today just wasnt my day, I was about to make me some coffee when Takashiro came running in and said that there are demons that were running amok in a park not to far from where we were and asked me if I could go deal with them.

As I got the the park I saw some low leve demons I thought that this would only take an hour max. However I was very wrong there were much more demons and with one of my katanas was buring my hand so bad that I had trouble holding on to it. You see my rings turns into twin katanas and the one I was holding in my left hand was the one burning me.

Choosing the ignore the pain I fouggt on and took down al the demons. However the last one knocked my left katana out of my hand sending it flying off and landing somewhere behind me. As I killed the last demon, I turned around to see where my katana had landed it was gone! Maby it turned back in to a ring so I started looking for my ring.

Then out of nowhere a shadow apeard over me, as I looked up to see who its was and was frozen with fear. For before me stood a high level demon and to make things worse this demon was holding my ring. 'Wait why does he look just like luka? What is going on?'. "Is this what you are look for? You know its not very smart to loos a weapon of this nature you know. I think I am going to hold on to it for a bit." And with that he was gone with my ring. "Takashiro is going to kill me...But who was that and why was he here? And why the hell did he take my ring!?".
**AN **
I dont own eny of the art used in the stori also the characters that I used in the story (exept of the me reader) belong to Odagiri Hotaru and are from a anime/manga called Uraboku.... Also please let me know if there are spelling mistakes so that I can fix them...
Enyway thanx for reading

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