Chapter 5: The Secret

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I had no idea what I was suppose to do so I did the only thing I could think of and that was to hug Luze back "Luze I sorry I made you worry but I don't understand what's going on. I have no memory of my past live" looking up at him I was shocked by the look of pure hurt in Luze's eyes. He then let go of me and just turned his back at me, "Well that would explain everything, there is alot that you had forgotten about."  I steped closer to Luze and placed me hand on his back, "Could you pleace help me remember cause I feel like there are some things that I really sould remember, things that have to do with us." Luze turned around taking my hand into his and gave me a soft smile. "Of course K, however it will take some time. But you must understand even if I'm seen as the enemy, I will never let enything happen to you."

With that said Luze pulled me to his chest again. Looking down at me Luze lowered his head until his lips met mine. It started out as a light kiss however Luze soon started to nip at my bottem lip asking me to let him in and I did deepening the kiss however the burning need for air made us break the kiss. After taking a quik breath Luze pulled me into another heated kiss. I had no idea how long we were kissing or how my armes ended up around Luze's neck but I was loving it.

Sadly Luze started pulling away a bit resting his forehead against mine, "K, as much as I would like to continue we have to stop for now, if I stay eny longer I run the risk of Luka seeimg us together." Giving him a small nod I removed my armes from his neck and took a few steps back, "Luze, what did you mean that you don't want Luka seeing us together?" Sighing Luze looked up to the stars, "K, there is alot of things that Luka is going to tell you about me and what I did but please know that half of that isn't true." After saying that he looked at me again,"Please you must promise me that you won't be afraid of me"

I Looked up at Luze and gave him a small smile, "Ok Luze I promise but Luze why didn't you say enything earlier today when you took the left ring? Do you have eny idea how sceard I was when you just showed up and stole that ring!" Luze let out a sigh, "K, you know I'm your enamy and as your enamy I have to act that way its just a role I have to play for now." Luze started to laugh when I gave him a confused look, "Luze why are you making it sound like... wait are you telling me that you being part of Reiga's group and our enamy is all..." before I could finish my sentence Luze gave me a nod, "Yes my dear K, al of it is an act. Did you really think that I would be part of a group that wants to end your clan, to end you! Also I not that stupid to deliberately  make an enamy out of my brother."

As he told me that all I could ask is," Why? Why Luze? Why are you then on Reiga's side? Why does Luka seen to hate you when you your self said that you didn't want to make an enamy out of him? Why are you our enamy Luze?" I started crying when I asked him all that. Luze pilled me to his chest again and hugged me tightly, " Why aren't you be my side?" I asked him again while crying into his chet.

Signing again Luze just tightened his jold on me, "K by joinong Raiga's side was the only way that I could protect you woth out getting to close to you." I looked up at Luze ," what to you mean?" Looking down at me Luze answered me,"K the reason why I have to do things this way is also the reason why Luka hates me and won't let me get close to eny of you, so I joined Raiga is to stall this war as much as I can and I try to stay out of the fighting but there are time when I must join the battlefield. Also please forgive me for how I'm going to treat you whenever we meet on the fielt but I must keep up my act."

Luze let go of me and looked over his shoulder and then quikly looked back at me,"K, I'm afraid I have out stayed my welcom and must take my leave now." With that he gave me a kiss on my forehead,"good night K." I gave him a small smile as I watched Luze disappear into the shadows leaving me alone again, sighing I whispered to me self, " good night Luze, I can't wait to see you again my secret guardian." Just as I said that I heard a vioce that made my very soul freez. "K what are you doing out there?" I turned around and got face to face with...
**AN **
I dont own eny of the art used in the stori also the characters that I used in the story (exept of the me reader) belong to Odagiri Hotaru and are from a anime/manga called Uraboku.... Also please let me know if there are spelling mistakes so that I can fix them...
Enyway thanx for reading 😋

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