Chapter 4: Luze?

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After Luka had given me the name of the man how had stolen my ring I just grow more confused.' Luka's twin Luze... Why did Luze take my ring? And why the hell didn't it burn him? Don't tell me Luze is my destined partner.' With that thought running in my mind I didn't see the rest of the clan caming into Takashiro's office.

However I was soon snapped out of my thoughts when Hotsuma started yelling at me,"Damn it K! Why didn't you tell us!" I was shocked by Hotsuma's outburst and was about to snap back at him when his partner steped in," Hotsuma that's enough!" I just stare at Shusei cause is rare for him to stand up to Hotsuma. I could see that Hotsuma was just as surprised as I was and then just started to pouting in a corner.

Then Toko took the opportunity, " but you know K, Hotsuma does have a punt. Why didn't you tell as that you were using both rings? Or that you were having trouble working alone?" I could clearly see that I had made everone worry about me,' great now everyone is going to act like I'm made out of glass'. I took a deep breath before I started talking, "Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I just didn't want you to worry about me as well. As for using both rings I sort of figured that I could do the job properly if I used both, you know" As I stop to take another breath, "And enyway you don't have to worry about my using both ring again because one of my rings was kinda stolen today." That got there attention.

Just as Hotsuma was about to yell at me again Yuki steped and saved me by telling everyone that it wasn't my fault and that my ring was stolen by a high leave demon. Takashiro who stayed silent then cleared his throat, "It's late and It's been a long day, let all continue this discussion when we all had a good night's rest, ok." With that said all of us went to our roomes.

As we walked to our rooms me and Yuki were walking side by side as our rooms were next to one another. When I got to my door and was about to go into my room Yuki stoped me,"Good night K and please try to get some sleep. We will find out why everyone was so mad tomorrow ok" I just gave Yuki a small smile and then went into my room.

As I got into bed I could still hear Hotsuma going on with his rampage. Going on and on about something I really couldn't make out. Closing my eyes I tried to ignore him and quickly fall asleep. However I was woken up again by a dream. It was almost like the other dream however the man that was lost in the darkness now started to look alot like Luza... 'wait was I dreaming about Luze all this time?' That thought had my heart racing. As I laid in my bed and was about to fall asleep again when I heard a 'poof' sound and then felt something move on my chest. I looked down at my chest and came face to face with a snow white familiar that looked like Sodom. I was about to ask him who he was and what he was doing here when I heard a soft vioce, ' sorry for waking you little one but my master wanted to speak with you. And asked if you could meed him in the rose garden, if you would like I could accompany you on you walk there. However you have nothing to fear form my master for my master would never let eny harm came to you for you are precious to him.'

I just sat there thinking about what the familiar had just said. 'Sould I go to Luze? I mean there is things that I want to ask him but to go to him alone... o man luka us going to be so pissed but I have to go, no I need to go.' Then I gave the familiar a small smile,"Ok, I will go meet with him." The familiar looked a bit shocked but then said in a soft whisper, 'thank you little one. O, you can call me Gomorrah. My master may not say it but he really needs you by his side almost just as much as you need him... So please don't leave my master'. I was so shocked by what Gomorrah had just told me.

I picked Gomorrah up and hold him to my chest as I got up from my bed. And then moving fast I made my way out of mansion and then started to walk to the rose garden. As I got closer the to garden, I could see Luze waiting for me.

When Gomorrah saw his master he jumped out of my arms and ran to his master. Luze gave his familiar a small smile before sending Gomorrah away leaving us alone. I slowly walked up to Luze unsure on what to say or do, "am..Luze?" But before I could go on Luze pulled me to his chest and let out a shaky breath, "K do you have eny idea what would have happen if you had continued using both rings?" As he stoped al I could do whister a soft no. He must have heard me answer cause his  body started shaking and he just hug me tighter ot his chest, "K using both the rings of wrath kills you, thats why I took one away from you, I don't want to lose you again"
**AN **
I dont own eny of the art used in the stori also the characters that I used in the story (exept of the me reader) belong to Odagiri Hotaru and are from a anime/manga called Uraboku.... Also please let me know if there are spelling mistakes so that I can fix them...
Enyway thanx for reading 😋

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