2| I dont like you

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Jeongguk walked through the hallways of his school,walking pass by crowd of people.Talking,chatting,whispering and gossiping that's all he heard when he walked in,He just took a deep breath and kept on walking as he felt multiple gaze on him and some whispers.

He finally reached his locker when he literally modeled through the hallway.He opened it and threw his stuff inside and got the books he needed.

"Jeongguk!!" He heard a feminine voice.

He turned around saw Haeun.Haeun is a really beautiful girl and actually really cute but she is annoying and clingy to Jeongguk.She isn't bad but her annoying self really pisses off Jeongguk.Oh and also she is His ex.

"..what do you want Haeun ??"

"Why didn't you told me you like Taehyung ?" She asked him.Jeongguk eyes widened in shock.

"W-Who told you that?" He stuttered.He didn't wanted to anyone to know that.

"What? What do you mean who told me? The whole school knows Gukkie,why are you so shocked? well I thought you didn't liked jocks"


"yes,taehyung is a Swimmer,your crush?"

"wait that taehyung i- wow,that's not what a jock is haeun and Just shut up now,who told you that??"Jeongguk asked her in curiosity.

"As I said whole school is talking about it so I just overheard"

"Fuck,have you seen Hoseok?"


"Yes who else!" He yelled,he was fuming right now.

"Hey! don't yell at me,they are a lot of hoseok in this school so I was just asking anyways yes I saw him inside the Theater" Haeun told him.Jeongguk just nodded and started to walk toward the theater ignoring Haeun yells telling him to come back and listen to her but Jeongguk gives zero fucks about her right now.

As Jeongguk was walking ,stomping his feet in ground.He now knows why the whispers were louder than before today.It was indeed a fucking great morning.Right now his mood was lower than before,anyone doesn't even wanna approach him now because they know he would snap at them.

But not one person.

Kim Taehyung.

as Jeongguk was going towards the theater ,he saw Kim Taehyung coming towards him.The Captain of swimming team,Kim Taehyung.He had a smug on his face and hands inside his typical  swimming team jacket.His hair were pulled back by the bandana he was wearing ,showing his forehead,his narrowed eyes sending a seductive look.He was slowly walking toward Jeongguk.

Jeongguk and Taehyung actually have kind off bad blood,but like not really,They don't like eachother and tease eachother a lot but they don't hate eachother and are not on eachother throats 24/7.They just have a very strange relationship.A hate/love relationship.

Jeongguk was gonna walk by Taehyung but then Taehyung grabbed his wrist and pulled him back,making Jeongguk stumble a little and flinch in fear of falling.Taehyung pulled him closer to his chest.Jeongguk looked at him in confusion and scoffed.

"What do you want Kim?" Jeongguk asked him.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that? I heard a rumor or it's probably true,that's what you are gonna tell me now!"

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