5| Fuck me

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"Jin hyung he doesn't like me at all"

"Really Tae ? The whole school knows he likes you"Jin told him in oh-so-obvious tone.

"It's not me hyung,I'm not the only Taehyung in this school am I?"

"No but who else would he like anyways ? You are handsome and have great personality.Which other Taehyung can do that? None"Jin tried to cheer him up as the other boy was just getting depressed thoughts.

"Whatever I don't care,it's not like I like him or something"Taehyung said,trying not to tell him about the real Jeongguk's crush.

"Then why are you sulking if you don't like him? Sad for Jeongguk though I think he likes you a lot so maybe you should try it out with him,just saying"

"...I don't know,I'm confused. I'm going out I would see you around hyung"Taehyung said as he stood up from his couch.

"Taehyung wait-" without looking back Taehyung took his jacket and went out of Seokjin's house.He slammed the door and walked out without paying any attention to the boy screaming at him,calling him back.Taehyung without paying attention to him just kept on walking not really in mood for a talk.

After some minutes of walking around,he found himself in front of a club.He didn't even thought about it and went inside.He was met with speakers blasting music as the dancing bodies were bumping into him,everyone was looking drunk here as the smell of alcohol and sweat was everywhere ,not a pleasing smell at all.Taehyung didn't know why he was here but he for sure is gonna stay here for a long time since all this aura around him is getting him hyped up for no reason at all and anyways.Taehyung didn't care at this point,he just wanted to relax.

And by relaxing it means drinking.

"Make me two shots of the strongest drinks you have" Taehyung said to the bartender as bartender nodded and starting to make him his drinks."Going through a break up young man?"

"No?? I don't know,It's complicated" the bartender just hummed in response.He soon handed him the shots,putting infront of him.

Taehyung took both shots down in one sip and closed his eyes as the alcohol hit him straight inside.He groaned and then smirked. Taehyung is originally not really a fan of alcohol,he hates the hangover next morning and it sometimes ,no scratch that,always taste like shit but Taehyung gotta let loose some times so he just drink his problem away like a loser,not really a smart decision if you ask me.After one and some more shots,Taehyung was now officially drunk as fuck,out of his mind,blurry vision but still able to make out some things.The only thing he feels like right now is the desire to get laid.

Taehyung gets his phone out of his pocket and starts playing around,totally drunk though his vision is kinda blurry but he still manages to see.He posts a pic of him literally drunk and wasted and already getting texts and messages from his friends asking about his whereabouts but is he gonna reply? No he ain't.

Many people around try to hit on him but Taehyung completely ignored them,I mean if you saw a Handsome young man in his twenties,with that Handsome face and that hot body,who wouldn't want to tap that? So Ofcourse many tried to hit on him but Taehyung was trying to find someone who is capable of handling him since being a top? He wasn't feeling it today.

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