11| Stop using me

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He has been looking around all the corridors in this huge college and Taehyung was nowhere to be found.He checked the rooms Taehyung could be probably in like the library,his physics class which was his next class as he asked for, his class fellow,the main ground,the cafeteria,even the parking lot,the football court.Where could he go in just span of some minutes?

Then it hit him.Where else can he be?? Ofcourse,he checked every other place except the swimming court.He is the swimming captain,obviously he would like to release some of his tension by swimming.Jeongguk mentally cursed at himself for being dumb and rushed to the swimming court as soon as possible.

As he got closer,he heard the water move,the sound of
Water splashing and definitely you can hear someone swimming as the water makes a lot of sounds when no one is around.Jeongguk knew it was Taehyung,since no one can get inside the swimming court without the permission of coach since the doors are locked but it's a exception for the captain,Captains usually needs things from swimming court so they can go whenever they want and most of the time for the practice.Call it a Captain Privilege.

Jeongguk walked to the glass door and saw him,Taehyung swimming.He opened the door which he was glad Taehyung didn't locked it from inside.He got inside and closed the door as he walked to the edge of the pool.He saw Taehyung swiftly swimming inside the pool,not doing any particular style,just freestyling around.He hasn't noticed Jeongguk presence yet which is great.

Taehyung soon stopped and looked up,seeing Jeongguk.Tehyung eyebrows furrowed in confusion.He got scared for a second,since he thought he was alone and now he looked around and saw Jeongguk staring at him.Taehyung chuckled at Jeongguk stiffness.

"Why are you here?" Taehyung straight up asked him.Jeongguk opened his mouth to say something.

"Can you get out of the pool? We need to talk"

"I don't wanna talk,just go away" Taehyung said as he went to the edge of the pool and put his palms on tiled floor.He pulled himself up with full force and got out of the swimming pool,now sitting on floor with his half legs under water,totally wet,his whole body was dripping obviously since he just got out of the pool.He was wearing just swimming shorts.

Jeongguk gulped as he saw water dripping down from Taehyung chest to his lower body.As he pushed his wet hair back,exposing his forehead and wet yet pretty glowing skin.Taehyung doesn't work out much but he still work out occasionally but since Taehyung swims a lot,like every single day,he has light muscles.His body isn't too lanky yet to buffed up,just normal slim body with some light muscles.Jeongguk swears he looks so damn hot but that's not what he is here for.

"....Taehyung please"

"What Jeongguk? I said I don't need to talk with you so leave me alone,I'm really not in mood to get in a fight with you" Taehyung stood up from the floor and walked towards the towel which was on one of the benches.He dried himself from the towel and just put it around his shoulders.He walked toward Jeongguk and looked at him in straight in eyes.

"Since you are not gonna leave let me make just get one thing out of the way,let's just stop being friends,this is not for us,we can't be friends after everything that has happened,you don't like me,so please stop using me and move on with Taehyun" Taehyung told him off,he was gonna walk away but Jeongguk grabbed him by his arm and pulled him back.

"Fine I will leave you alone but tell me what happened last night? Why are you so moody about it??" Jeongguk asked him,Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Nothing happened"

"Then why did you called Hoseok,crying on the phone!?" Jeongguk raised his voice,his grip on Taehyung arm tightened,making Taehyung flinch.

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