28| I love you

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"You actually came!!" A huge smile was on Taehyung face when he saw Jeongguk standing infront his door,looking really good just causally leaning against a wall.

"If I get to see you smile like this every time then I should just stay with you" Jeongguk told him,walking towards him as he entered his apartment,closing the door once he got inside. He stood right infront of Taehyung and looked at him with so much adoration in his eyes.

He was in a bad mood after his little fight with his boyfriend. He was glad he actually mentioned breaking up with him because he can't do this anymore himself. Seeing Taehyung cheered him up. The way he had this cute wide smile the moment he saw Jeongguk,made him melt. He was the most precious boy ever and he really wanted to just cherish him.

"Come on,let's have watch a movie,I had my snacks ready just incase if I end up alone tonight. But I'm glad you came!" Taehyung held his hand and dragged him to his bedroom, Jeongguk let him drag him to his room because why not.

The both entered the room but as soon as they entered Taehyung locked the door. Jeongguk raised his eyebrows at Taehyung,giving him these looks teasingly. Taehyung got confused and just chuckled. "Please stop thinking about other things,why would I even lock door if we are gonna fuck? It's not like I live with someone" Taehyung flared Jeongguk's dirty mind. Jeongguk just grabbed Taehyung by his hand and pulled him closer to him,Taehyung crushed with Jeongguk chest,looking straight at him.

"Baby even if you did lived with someone else I would have still made sure you would have screamed my name at top of your lungs" Jeongguk told him seductively,moving his hands up and down his back. Taehyung wanted to scream but he tried to keep it in. He was feeling his cheeks heat up slowly. Jeongguk face was centimetres away from his,there was barely any space left between their faces.

Taehyung pushed him away,separating Jeongguk from himself,he doesn't want to have a make out session right now,maybe later. "Let's just start with our movie!" Taehyung said,he went towards his bed and got on it. He laid down on his back as he grabbed his laptop,turning it on. There were a lot of snacks on side table so if they needed they will just take it from there. Jeongguk made his way right next Taehyung.

Taehyung put on some random disney movie on his laptop on Netflix as both of the boys made themselves comfortable while Disney's magical intro played in the background. They both were under the blanket,just their faces out,looking at the screen. Jeongguk ate some salty popcorn from the bowl while cuddling with Taehyung as he put his hands around his shoulders and pulled him closer to his chest,Taehyung made himself comfortable and put his head on his chest.

"You comfortable?"

"A lot" Taehyung replied as he inhaled Jeongguk scent in,the sweet vanilla scent which made Taehyung want to devour him,why does he smell so good too,this ain't fair. Taehyung at this point was completely distracted by Jeongguk,he wasn't watching the movie anymore. He was admiring Jeongguk. Looking at him with heart eyes,Jeongguk was so handsome,his doe eyes which lighten up like they have stars in them,his beautiful pink lips,his cute moles and the deadly jawline,everything about seemed perfect.

Jeongguk noticed Taehyung checking him out and chuckled,thinking how cute the boy was looking. He tried to play it off like he didn't noticed Taehyung staring but Taehyung didn't stopped,he has been looking at him ever since,lost in deep thoughts. Both of them weren't watching the movie so Jeongguk decided to make a move.

He suddenly pushed Taehyung away from his chest and shut the laptop down,putting it on the side table carefully with one hand. He looked back at the confused Taehyung,his gaze just gave confused signals. Jeongguk made Taehyung lay down on the bed as he pushed him gently. He got on top of Taehyung and kissed his smooth soft cheeks,Taehyung had this surprised look on his face,getting flustered slowly.

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