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21st of June, 1983 - Pt. 2

To say he was unhappy with his room was a huge understatement. Warren remembered Peter as soon as he saw him. He had been in Egypt as well and was the one who got his leg broken by Apocalypse.

However, as soon as Scott had brought him to their shared room (the word alone pissed him off on so many levels), Peter was hurrying through the whole space, tidying and cleaning, because he had trashed it so badly in the two months he lived there alone. And as he did so, he used his super speed, which Warren had to admit, was only natural, but it gave him a headache to watch a silver blur for at least an hour, all the while talking about the school, mutants and, first and foremost, his sister.

Warren seriously asked himself if that guy came with a power-off button.

The dinner was as he thought it would be. He was seated at a table with the others in the X-Men team plus a hyperactive girl named Jubilee. They were all chatting and laughing together and Ororo had already somewhat found a way into the group.

And the girl from earlier had brought that thing with her. He still couldn't believe the fact that there was an actual talking toy thinking he was alive at the mansion and nobody seemed to care about it.

On the other hand, it was a school full of mutants. Nothing should be of a surprise here, because anything was quite possible when you lived together a bunch of weirdos like that.

But that didn't mean that he was ready to think he was losing his good conscience while talking to that bear. He had some problems, but insanity wouldn't become one of them. He'd rather spend his time alone than have a chat with a bear who talked like he learned it out of an oddly written encyclopedia. Seriously, that whole Ziggy-thing sounded like some weird children's novel, but not the real life. Plush bears couldn't talk.

Yet again, normal humans weren't able to fly, so maybe he shouldn't be so skeptical. Yet he still found it hard to get used too.

But it wasn't the fact that this bear was around at dinner or the fact that everyone was so talkative and loud, no, it were the glares he felt all over his body, glares by the other students who ogled him like he had an infectious disease.

He tried not to let them affect him, however, that worked only halfway. They did make him feel unwell.

And now it was in the middle of the night and he couldn't sleep. He hadn't quite found a comfortable sleeping position, mostly due to the fact that it wasn't that simple regarding the gigantic metallic wings attached to his back. Another thing was the far too soft mattress. He was used to the hard concrete floor in Germany and in the factory halls Apocalypse used as hiding spots before they carried out his plan.

Last but not least, Peter was snoring like hell. How the hell was anyone supposed to sleep like that?

It may not sound that hard, but for Warren it was quite the mission impossible now.

He stared at the ceiling shining in the gloomy light and rolled his eyes. This was one of the reasons why he hated sharing rooms.

Groaning, Warren sat up. He was fed up with lying around and listening to Peter sawing the woods. Something to drink sounded good right now. Yeah, maybe some fresh water was what it took him to finally be able to sleep.

Careful not to make a sound he put his feet on the ground and stood up. As soon as he put all his weight on the planks, they squealed slightly. Startled, he looked to Peter, but it didn't look like he was near waking up. Well, probably because he himself was much louder than the floor.

Sighing, he closed the door behind him and started walking to the kitchen. To his surprise, he wasn't the only one up in the middle of the night. At the small kitchen table sat Sage, her head in her hands and hypnotizing the cup of tea in front of her. It looked like she was about to fall asleep in that position. She may not have been anything near friendly to him the last time, but somehow it interested him what was bringing her down.

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