Best Friends Forever

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    Image above is Misty and Carina as how they normally look (with a little of their powers showing)

    Misty's P.O.V.

I groaned as I opened my eyes. I was sitting in a chair, my hands tied behind my back. My head ached as glaringly bright light shined in my eyes. A sinister laugh emerged from the shadows. A tall figure walked into the light, her black hair streaming down her back. "Misty, Misty, Misty..." she said quietly. 

    "I get it, I get it. You're better than me." I said begrudgingly. She waved her hand and the ropes holding my hands disappeared. I stood up and gave her a hug. 

   She slung her arm over my shoulder as we started to walk towards the door. "You know, you really shouldn't go up against villains you can't defeat. Jeez, Misty, if it hadn't been me who robbed that bank, you would be dead right now!" 

   "Oh my god, Carina, stop rubbing it in! I've beaten you plenty of times. Also, you know you have to give the money back."

    "COME ON! I saved you! I really did! Doesn't that deserve some reward?"

   I sighed. I knew what she was aiming for. "Yes, I'll get you a date with Jake-as long as you return the money!"

   "Deal!" she exclaimed, laughter in her eyes as we walked toward our favorite cafe.

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