Heart Song

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Image credit to dolldivine's hipster maker

"Misty! Jake!" my mom called from the other room. 

I glanced at Jake, who didn't notice, as he was too busy playing video games. "Yes, Mom?" I called back to her. 

She walked into the room. "Since you two don't have school today, can you take Maggie to school? I have a meeting with my boss at work this morning-I think I might be getting promoted!" she said excitedly.

 "That's so great, Mom! Hey, what time does Maggie's school start?" 

She looked at her watch, her face blanching. "Well, um, 10 minutes. I...have to go." She bolted out the door. 

"MOM!" I called out after her, but she was already hopping in the car and zooming off.

I shook Jake's shoulder. "Yeah, yeah, Mom, be there in a minute." he mumbled. "No, you bozo, now!" I yanked the controller out of his hands. I was already in bad mood today, or I would not be acting like this. 

"We have to take Maggie to school!" 

He finally snapped out of his reverie. "Okay, okay, I'll get the car start-" 

"NO WAY. I do not trust you. Get Maggie into the car, I'll get it started." I ran out the door, grabbing my car keys on the way. I unlocked the car, jumping in the drivers seat. I turned it on, the engine sputtering to life. About two minutes later, Maggie ran out the door, Jake straggling behind her. 

As soon as their seatbelts buckled, I pulled out of the driveway, going down the street at record time. Thankfully, Maggie's school was only 5 minutes away, so we got there in the nick of time. I stopped the car, calling after her as she hopped out, "BE READY NEXT TIME!" 

"Hey, Misty, do you want to go see our old teachers?" Jake said. I thought about it. They did love it when we visited, and we didn't have anything better to do. 

"Why not?" I sighed, unbuckling my seatbelt. He grinned.

 "Yes!" I smiled, his infectious energy spreading to me. I opened my car door, almost slamming it into the car that had just pulled into the spot next to us. I quickly closed it. 

A boy about Maggie's age quickly opened the passenger door and ran to the doors. I laughed as he did, remembering how Jake would sleep in and cause us both to be late to school. I was still quietly chuckling as we got out of the car, and I started walking towards the entrance to the school.

I heard Jake exclaim from behind me, "Hey! Zach! How are you? Did you finish Mrs. Staylee's homework?" 

I turned around. Jake was talking the ear off of the boy who had just gotten out of the drivers seat of the car, who looked utterly bored. Already. 

I went over, looking at the boy. He had tan skin, green eyes, and brown hair. He was wearing our school's football jersey, for the Kinsey Lions. 

"Jake, you're boring him to death!" I interrupted. "Come on, lets go, you wanted to visit Mrs. Marsh, right?" I smiled at Zach as I pulled. Jake away. 

Once we were out of earshot, Jake bent down and whispered in my ear, "Ooooh, you like him!" "Oh, leave me alone will you?"I said, smiling, as we walked into the school. 

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