Pow Boom Kablam

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Image above is Willa, made on Azalea Doll's Casual Style

I flipped through the pages of last years yearbook, trying to find Willa. I knew she had red hair, but our school was so big it was taking me a while to find her. Turning to the page for excellence in academics, I finally found her. Willa Brooks.

 She had won the award for excellence in Biology. Not surprising. You had to have brains to be a villain. She looked so innocent in her picture, it was hard to believe that she was capable of doing anything to hurt anyone. Yet, she was. Now the only thing to do was to alert official forces. We typically let villains off easy as long as they weren't hurting anyone-sometimes they were even recruited as supers. But Wildfire had burned down a home just because someone broke up with her, and that was a cause for concern.

I was alone in the house, so when I heard a knock on the door, I immediately set down my computer and went down the stairs to answer it. Checking the eye hole, I saw the person was Carina, and immediately unlocked the door. "Hi! What's up? Plotting another heist?" She looked at me with discomfort in her eyes. 

"Well...not exactly. I was at the house, you know, Mrs. Sina's earlier, and-" she began, before I interrupted her.  "Hold on a second. This sounds like we should go inside." Carina nodded, and I waved her in. We sat down on the couch. "Continue," I said, smiling. 

"Ok, so, as I said, I was at the house working on my new-my new project, and then this LADY just appeared out of no where. She had red hair, pale skin, and-and she asked me to join V.D.A.-Villains and Dis-" 

"rupters of Aurath," I interrupted. "Yeah, I know. They asked you to join it? Wow. You must be becoming wellknown." I half-joked. 

"Yeah...but I was thinking. You know I only do, like, non-harmful crime, right? Rich people bank robberies, minor pickpocketing, stuff like that. Well, what if they try to make me do stuff that could hurt people."

"EXCUSE ME, Carina. Or maybe not. Because the Carina I know wouldn't even acknowledge the idea that someone could make her do something she didn't want to do. If this is something you really want to join, then do it. If not, don't."

She smiled. "You're right. Hey, so, I was observing you with this new little bee drone I've developed, and I noticed you talking to that cute boy Zach from our English cl-" 

"CARINA! WE'VE DISCUSSED THIS!" You are not allowed to spy on me!"

"Aw, but Misty, what if someone tries to hurt you? Then I can swoop in and be all like, pow boom kablam, and you'd be fine." 

"Yeah, because I'd be totally helpless against someone, you know, because I totally don't have superpowers." 

"Ok, ok, I get it. But seriously, he was so cute!"

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