Siblings and Surprises

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"'re a supervillain." 


"And you have telekinesis." 

"Well...sort of." 

"And this house is owned by you." 

"That's right."

 "I don't feel very good." Amira did look a little green, sitting in the plush chair previously occupied by the mysterious red-haired woman. 

"Listen, Amira, I know this is really shocking, but you can't tell anybody. I never do anything harmful in my crimes. And I'm kind of like Robin Hood. I only steal from the rich. And I donate 10% to charity. They think I'm an extremely rich widow." 

"I-I don't know, Carina...Mom and Dad should probably know about this." I fought the urge to yell a her. It would go against her entire nature to keep this a secret. She was the perfect child, always achieving incredible grades and test scores, and never putting a toe out of line. I knew how hard this was for her.

"Just..please, Amira. You have no idea how much this means to me." I looked up at her, and saw the struggle in her eyes. "Oh, fine, but just promise me, if you EVER need any help, you'll come to me." I smiled. "It's a deal!" 

2 hours later

I frantically ran around the basement, sketching layouts of the Imperial Bank of Aurath, texting Misty, and answering e-mails from my partner on the biology assignment. 

"Well, at least you're alone this time," I heard, and looked up. The red haired woman was standing there, a smirk on her face. 

I slowly put down my phone. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" "Well, Carina, I'm Wraith, and I would like to invite you to join Villains and Disrupters of Aurath, or VDA."

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