Family Time

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Image above is, from left to right, Misty's mother Victoria, Misty's sister Maggie, age 12, Misty's twin brother Jake, age 15, Misty, age 15, image made on Azalea Dolls Snow Queen

I walked in the bright blue doorway of my house just in time to see my brother fall on his face. 

"Oh my god, Jake!" I exclaimed as I bent down to help him up. 

He looked at me sheepishly. "I...was testing to see if falling hurt," he explained. "Oh, yeah, sure you were," I said sarcastically. "I'm going to my room," I called out behind me as I walked up the stairs. I peeked into my sister Maggie's room, where she was sitting on her bed reading while pop music played, and then continued into my room. 

Inspirational quotes decorated the wall above my pink bed. My room could be considered a little childish, but I liked it. I swung my backpack onto my bed and sat at my desk where I logged on to my computer, and onto the secret website that could only be accessed if the President herself gave you access.

 It was called E.F.G., or Extraordinaries For Good. There were rumors of another site, which was called, depending on who you heard it from, either E.F.E. (extraordinaries for evil) or E.V.I.L (extraordinary villains in life). The second one seemed a little cliche to me. But Carina wouldn't tell me. E.F.G. shows 24/7 crime, and you can accept a mission. It was a little bit lame, but it got the job done. 

A derailed train showed up, but the mission was immediately accepted by...Maria Flores. You might have heard of her. You know, Blossom? She's my age, and we go to the same school. She is INSUFFERABLE. 

Maggie barged into my room. I slammed my computer shut. "Misty! Can I talk to you?" Her face went from angry to pleading in a second. "O-of course," I said gesturing to the bed. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Well, Melissa told Avery who told Charlotte who told Helena and Rochelle and Bella and Kiara, who told basically everyone, that-" I sighed. This was going to take a while.

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