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I walked out my front door, glancing at Zuhairah to make sure she wasn't watching. Her eyes were firmly glued to her homework, puzzled looks fleeting over her face. I walked down the block to the old abandoned house that was owned by the old widow "Anna Sina" who was very reclusive. I had bought the house after my first heist so I could have a place to keep all my things and plan crime. The neighbors thought that "Mrs. Sina"  hired me to help her. People could be so gullible. 

I opened the door, expecting to find the musty, dark, dusty room that I was accustomed to. Instead, light beamed in through the windows, illuminating a golden polished wood floor, and a red haired woman sitting in a plush chair. 

"Hello, Galaxy." she said. "I've been waiting for-" A look of alarm fleeted across her face as I saw a shadow appear on the floor in front of me.  

I slowly turned around to see Amira standing behind me. 

"Just what," she demanded, "is going on?" I glanced back at the woman to find that she was gone. Amira noticed too. "Oh my lord, Carina! What in the world? She was just standing there, and now she's gone! This doesn't make sense!"

 "Well," I said quietly, "maybe you should sit down."

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