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the two walked leisurely hand in hand. a light breeze passing through their hair leaving a kiss on soonyoung's cheeks as he snuggled closer to his boyfriend.

"there's still so much i have to do," jihoon said with a sigh, "i knew i should've gone christmas shopping while i had the time. i still have to get a present for jeonghanie hyung, shua hyung," a list of names that included everyone but his boyfriend, "oh and don't even get me started on seungkwannie. as high maintenance as he is he insists that he doesn't need anything this christmas."

soonyoung tried his best to focus on the words flowing from jihoon's lips but another gust of wind struck him enough to push him back, it's cold hands sneaking into the space in his jacket as its fingers teased his ears.

jihoon noticed the tug of his arm and the loss of presence beside him. he turned only to find a pale soonyoung, eyes half closed and shoulders shrugged as if that would insulate any heat.

tsk "soonyoung are you cold?"

"y-yeah- just a little bit, don't worry about me," soonyoung replied with a forced smile, teeth chattering.

a sigh escaped jihoon's lips taking form as light vapor through the air, "god damn it soonyoung, what have i been telling you?"

"i'm sorry jihoonie, we can keep going. i'll be fine, you need to finish your christmas shop-"

soonyoung was cut of as jihoon approached him. gently tugging at the sides of his jacket. his delicate fingers running towards the edge working the zipper up and up, "you have to zip up your jacket, soonyoung, how do you expect to keep any heat in?"

jihoon proceeded to lean forward, elevating himself onto his toes as he reached behind soonyoung's head, the warmth of his body tempting soonyoung to wrap his arms around his boyfriend's waist. jihoon pulled the hood of soonyoung's jacket over his head, tightening the strings and tying them so only a small diameter of soonyoung's face was exposed, "your head loses heat, too. you may not feel it but you have to keep it covered as well."

a blush creeped onto soonyoung's face as jihoon began taking off his own padded jacket, "you must be freezing," jihoon said with a frown, "why didn't you tell me sooner?"

shortly a warm scarf was wrapped around soonyoung's neck, covering his chin and most of his jaw. "i told you to bundle up today," he sighed once more, the warmth hitting soonyoung's face.

jihoon continued lecturing his boyfriend with his eyebrows furrowed thinking he was being intimidating but having his tsundere nature peak through as he fished out some mittens from his back pocket.

"now i have to make sure you don't catch a cold... or hypothermia" his mouth running a millions miles an hour as he delicately placed the mittens on soonyoung's ice cube of hands.

"or that you don't freeze to death,"

"i'm really sorry, jihoonie, but i'm fine-"

jihoon drew soonyoung's hands towards his face puffing a hot breath of air onto their hands, keeping the heat in by the friction of their hands rubbing together.

"... all because i love you and i care about you, and i don't want to see you sick... so always bundle up, okay, soonie?"

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