concentration and loving adoration

687 41 8

soonyoung's eyes stung because of the blue light that shone from his computer screen.

he took his glasses off for a brief second to try to wipe off the tiredness.

"just four more pages," soonyoung whispered to himself.

or so he thought, "you can do it, *yeobo~ fighting~~" a sleepy voice answered back.

"jihoonie, what are you doing awake?"

jihoon was laid next to soonyoung as his boyfriend worked on the bed.

"i like watching you work. you're so cute," he said in between a yawn as he blinked his round eyes fighting off the sleep.

soonyoung leaned down to plant a small peck on the younger's lips, "you should go to sleep now, baby, it's late," he urged as he pulled awake from the kiss.

a small whine left the smaller.

"here," soonyoung said as he began his work once again, "i'll hold your hand until you fall asleep, how's that sound?" their hands finally intertwined under the covers.

soonyoung received a hum of approval as jihoon moved their knotted hands to his chest.

"i love you"

* yeobo (여보) meaning "honey"
a common term of endearment used between
married couples.

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