butterflies and innocent eyes

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the bell rang for recess and all the children ran out of their classroom in less than a heart beat. their small feet pattering against the tile until they reached the sunny playground. all except two boys that trailed behind, one overly excited and hyper.

"jihoonie come on! let's go play," soonyoung whined as he tugged on the shorter's wrist.

"d-don't touch me!" jihoon yelled as he snatched his hand away with his eyebrows furrowed, a frown landing on his face.

jihoon felt his heart throb with guilt as he saw soonyoung's smile fall off his face. soonyoung looked at jihoon with glassy eyes, "why don't you like being with me, jihoonie?" soonyoung asked on the verge of tears.

"because! ... you- you make me feel all weird inside! my tummy feels tingly and-and my heart starts freaking out... and i don't know... when you smile... i start smiling- i just don't like it, okay?! it feels weird..." the shorter stuttered as blush kissed his cheeks.

the corners of soonyoung's mouth turned up. he grabbed the sides of jihoon's face with his chubby hands so that the shorter would look at him "that just means you like me jihoonie~ don't worry, i like you, too, mkay?"

jihoon looked up with innocent eyes that grew wide, "y-you do?"

soonyoung's nose scrunched and his eyes disappeared as his smile grew wider. he leaned in and placed a small kiss on jihoon's nose.

"i don't know, what do you think?"

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