911 what's your emergency

549 16 11

TW : depression, suicide
this is angsty :(

soonyoung walked back to his cubicle, a burp settling in his chest as he sighed in content from the lunch he just had. he sat down reaching for his headset and logged into his computer.

"your call will be wired in three seconds," an automated voice spoke.

3, 2, 1

"911, what's your emergency?"

soonyoung heard ragged breathing accompanied by the faint sound of water running.

"hello, is anyone there? this is 911, what is your emergency?"

there was, yet again, no response. soonyoung was tempted to just hang up, but his gut voted against it. the heavy breathing he heard from the other side was almost hypnotizing.

"if this is not an emergency then i am obligated to hang up. is everything alright?"

soonyoung heard water splash around gently as a faint voice spoke up, "yes, hi.... there's-"

silence fell once more, but was soon interrupted by the male voice on the other side sniffling before he spoke again.

"there's been a suicide," he coughed towards the end of his sentence, his breathing becoming erratic before finding its rhythm.

"sir, who's the victim?" soonyoung asked, his fingers dancing around his keyboard beginning to trace the call.


despite the spike of shock soonyoung felt rush through his body he knew he had to stay calm, "sir what's your address and what did you do?" there's not much dispatchers can do when someone calls from a cell phone, at most they'd only be able to retrieve a general area.

" 4250 star hill avenue..... pills. took pills," the man said, his voice becoming faint.

"sir, the police are on their way to you. where are you in the house?" soonyoung switched lines to alert EMS as he waited for the man's response.

"there's no one to find me. that's why i called. i registered to be an organ donor, can you tell the hospital that they can use my organs? i won't have family to claim my body anyway." the man spoke in congested speech, sniffling every so often like he was crying.

soonyoung's heart ached. even though he's been in this field for eight years it doesn't make the job any easier 

"sir, what is your name?"

the sound of water running became louder. he's in a bathtub maybe? soonyoung thought, the water is still running and the tub is so filled that it's spilling over the sides.

"jihoon. . . what's your name?"

"hi, jihoon. my name is soonyoung. can you tell me where exactly you are in your house? the paramedics are two minutes away."

"ehh," jihoon groaned, "they'll find me, don't worry. the water'll be leaking out of the door." his words slurred together, pain laced around each word. jihoon didn't want to be found, not with the paramedics two minutes away. he was still conscious- alive.

jihoon wasn't soonyoung's first. soonyoung's had many suicide attempt calls and he could tell that jihoon was slipping, "jihoon, you have to stay with me, okay? you don't want to do this, darling. talk to me, jihoon. how old are you?"

soonyoung heard a scoff from the other side, "you can't save me, soonyoung. i don't want to be saved. there's nothing for me here. i just want to be with her again."

"her? who is she, jihoon? who do you want to be with?"

"my daughter, jenny. my sweet baby jenny. i want to be with her again," jihoon's sobs became louder and more aggressive splashes could be heard.

"what happened to your daughter, jihoon?" soonyoung asked, tears caught in his throat.

"she got sick... cancer took her. her.... her mom left and i... i.... i couldn't afford weekly chemo." jihoon was fading.

just one more minute.

"jihoon, tell me about jenny. what was she like?"

now only the sound of water falling to the floor could be heard. it was haunting. how could something so morbid create a sound so tranquil.

".... angel... angel... my angel," jihoon whispered, "had...long, black hair... ... ... she sang so.... so sweetly."

soonyoung heard the faint crash of jihoon's front door busting open followed by frantic footsteps.

"what did she like to sing, jihoon?"

jihoon hiccuped as he gasped for air as soonyoung heard voices telling each other that jihoon was on the second floor.

"eonje eodie isseodo
ham....kkehaji mothaedo urin... neul geureoteut-" soonyoung couldn't help the tears that slipped out. he heard banging on the other side, police and paramedics having trouble getting into the bathroom.

"useumkkot piweoyo...
geudae... misoe bomi dwaejul...geyo" jihoon sang at a whisper with no hint of a melody behind his voice.

jihoon fell quiet, "jihoon? jihoon, how does the rest of the song go?"

no response

"jihoon, how does it end? keep singing, jihoon."

soonyoung heard a long sigh as a loud crash bursted through his headset, "in here! medics, in here!"

the last thing soonyoung heard was the deafening sound of water rushing into the microphone as jihoon's phone fell into the bathtub. the sound was painful but all soonyoung could do was sit there.

then it was silent.

"your called will be wired in three seconds"

song used :
whenever, wherever
even if we're not together, like always, our smile flowers will bloom.
i'll be the spring to your smile
-smile flower, seventeen

911 dispatchers don't get to know the ending. they're job is just to contact the police and paramedics.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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