insecurities and accepted vulnerabilities

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hoshi oppa! i love you so much! let's get married okay?? if you marry me then i'll pay for your eye surgery! i love you that much!! we can fix your eyes so then you'll be perfect!

"eye surgery?" soonyoung thought, "what's wrong with my eyes?"

soonyoung looked in the mirror, "ah, that's right," he sighed as his fingers tried dragging the corners of his eyes down to the desirable angle, "my stupid 10:10 eyes..." his eyes glossed over and his vision was clouded.

we can fix your eyes then you'll be perfect!

jihoon laid on his back, his right hand scrolling through his phone as his left hand was thrown across his stomach. he felt the bed dip and cold hands move his left arm to be splayed out as his body was welcomed with a warmth and his shoulder bared the weight of a head.

the shorter threw his left arm around soonyoung's waist and pulled him closer, "hey, soons, you sleepy?"

"no, jiho-onie," soonyoung said with a crack in his voice.

jihoon felt his shoulder go wet and he immediately whipped his head around.

"soonie, baby, what's wrong? why are you crying?" jihoon sat up pulling his boyfriend with him.

"y-you like my eyes, right, jihoonie? or-or do you want them fixed, too?"

"fixed? baby, what are you talking about? your eyes are just fine," jihoon replied as his softly dabbed soonyoung faced with the blanket.

"but they make me ugly!"

jihoon's heart broke. who did this to his beautiful boyfriend?

he grabbed the sides of soonyoung's face with his palms. soonyoung's mouth was stretched wide, his face was streaked with tears and his gorgeous eyes were red and puffy.

jihoon kissed soonyoung's left eye, "baby, you're perfect."

he kissed the right eye, "no matter what anyone says."

a kiss on soonyoung's nose, "your eyes aren't something to be fixed,"

he kissed the tear that fell from his boyfriend's eye, "because there's nothing wrong with them."

this made soonyoung cry harder. his hands tightly gripping jihoon's hips.

jihoon continued kissing away soonyoung's tears, "you're gorgeous. beautiful inside and out."

"r-really?" soonyoung hiccuped.

"of course, and i love your eyes," he whispered as he planted a peck on his cheek.

"i love you," soonyoung felt the warmth from jihoon's breath hit his lips just before he was met with his boyfriend's soft pair.

the kiss was gentle, it was vanilla. no crazy moves. no needy groans. it was enough.

when jihoon pulled away he rested his forehead on soonyoung's.

"now tell me who that bitch was so i can have her put onto our blacklist."

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