Chapter 1

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This might be a bit different, but this story is based on real life things that happen at this place in my school.

These are a weird but interesting group of people.

These people are real people, friends, and have given me permission to put this story on here.

So please enjoy and will try to right as much as anything interesting happens thank you for reading.

Might have so guest writers come on.




It started as a boring day. With classes and work and teachers going on and on about how we have to be quiet, no talking, no walking, no pens tapping, blab, blab, blab same old average day. Then came my favourite part of everyday LUNCH when I can be odd and just be with friends. Like I have a friend group I hang with at recess but a whole different group for lunch.

This area where the group hangs is called the BANCHES *I know original right* its got two picnic tables and a drink fountain. Its also right next to hard courts so if your really board then you can watch whatever game is going on. The game that on depends on 2 things: 1) what season it is or 2) who is playing. These depend on if you watch soccer or basketball. But thats not the best bit. The best part of being there is all the people. They are interesting, funny, kind people that I just love hanging around. There is over 11 people there and only one bench gets used. so, most people are fighting to sit down and anyone who cant get a seat is left to stand.

The people there are very weird kind people. Most of them there have been sitting there for nearly 2 years now. I only have started sitting there this year so for about a month now. But they have excepted me like I was there all the time. I am included and feel like I belong. I know that kind of sappy and all, but I cant stop saying how much of friends they all are. Most of them wouldnt even talk to me last year but now we have on going conversations 24/7well at school 24/7. Each lunch time Im there something different always happens. Somethings there some dirty things going on, some other days its water fights and somethings it goes far and its food fights. But there always people that are fun and easy to talk to and I enjoy being there with them.

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