chapter 7

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Writer: LunaLemon8

AKA Chloe :)

Heyo, since Ashlee was too lazy to write her own chapter here I am writing one. Youre welcome :)

The bell for Lunch went and I had just had PE. We are currently doing Euro hand ball, its really fun and Im told that I am the best goalie out of our team, maybe even out of our class. Also, if you dont know who I am Im Chloe, Im the one thats dating Jandre.

I started walking to the canteen, it was just around the corner from where the gym is so it took me like thirty seconds to get there. I was first there so I was front of the line. I walked up and got out my ten dollar note, I asked for a small chocolate milk and thankfully they had some. I paid for it and got seven dollars back change, I gave a dollar to my friend Mack so he could get a drink too, he went to my primary school and we were friends so I didnt mind.

I walked down the hall towards my locker and shook the chocolate milk until there was no chocolate at the bottom. I opened the chocolate milk and took a sip, the heavenly liquid of chocolate milk slid down my throat and let me tell you it was amazing. On my way to my locker I stopped at Blakes when I saw that Jandre and Zac were there along with Blake. Blake was angry and the other two boys were laughing at him because they had locked his lock and gave it back to him. This basically meant he had to do his code again to unlock it so he could hook it onto his locker door. We chatted for a little bit and I got Jandre to come with me to my locker. We really should have gone to his locker first since he was in Mackillop ( where the canteen was ) and I was in Rice ( the opposite side of the school to Mackillop ).

We chatted while we walked to my locker and we had reached it in no time. I unlocked my locker while Jandre talked to Gerald ( one of my friends thats a few lockers down from me and also in my homeroom ). I put my stuff away and joined in on the conversation that they were having.

Gerald you actually are so mean. I shook my head at him.

Why? Jandre asked.

Well our friend Gerald here though it would be funny to go to Grace Carter and call her a lesbo. I glared at the now protesting Gerald.

Well David dared me to! He protested, we all looked at David.

I did and it was funny okay. We all looked back at Gerald once David confirmed he dared him.

Wait, did Grace cry? Gerald asked.

No she didnt, dont flatter yourself dude, I rolled my eyes, Lets go Jandre. Cya Gerald! I waved off Gerald and started walking to Mackillop with Jandre.


Once Jandre and I had reached the group with Tom at our side Zac started to chase Jandre. Jandre did a girly scream and hid behind me, I tried my best to block Zac but he went around me and chased Jandre again. Grace, my best friend ( not the Grace who was called a lesbo ) looked at me and teased me.

Hes not going to stop until you kiss Jandre on the cheek. She laughed.

No, Im not doing that, hell stop soon enough. I rolled my eyes at her and we watched the boys walk back to the group.

We continued to talk for a little bit about how I had kissed my past girlfriend on the second day we had started dating, I protested and then we were all just talking about relationships and exs.


Grace, Leonard and Zac had left and we spotted them walking back to our group, we kind of ignored them and continued singing 'We will rock you by Queen. Before I knew it Zac, Grace, Keegan, Leonard and Brandon had formed a wall with their bodies. Their arms were around each others shoulders in a kind of t-pose position. They were telling us to join them and I did. I got up from my seat and went and locked arms with Grace. From there a few others joined and the rest of the group followed us as we tried to navigate our way around the poles in a single file wall.

We walked onto the grass and now had the entire group in a big, single file, wall. We were all laughing and almost everyone was looking at us. We passed the popular kids group and Riley ( one of them ) came and joined our wall for about a minute for the meme. We laughed and he left to go back to his massive group who were all looking at us.

We continued to go to the area where there were a bunch of seats and little shelters, it was a place in between Rice and Mackillop, basically in Clancy really, it was bare to the front of the school right near the office. We were going to go to the canteen but we decided not to and we found ourselves wrapping around a pole and chanting he will rise.

After the friendship wall had been disassembled and we were all back to the group we just continued talking about the usual and doing the sexual hand gestures we always do. The benches is a really fun group to be in and we all stick together, I really wouldnt want to be in any other group because the benches is where all my friends are.

Eventually the siren indicating lunch time was over sounded and that was the end of the most fun lunchtime Ive had in awhile.

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