Chapter 3

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Hay so third chapter. This is the furthest I have gotten yet on Wattpad.

I hope you are all enjoying the book and if you have any ideas then please comment.

Thank you all for reading.


At the end of the day I always finish at my locker quickly. Most people are quick so they can get home quick but not me I'm quick so I can see my friend Heidi then we go talk to Blake then we go home. Today was an odd convocation between us. When Heidi wanted to leave, she is like come on Ashlee by Ashlee's crrrruusssss.....friend, and because Blake well any of my friends aren't dumb, he was like

so, you were going to say crush werent you

Heidi being Heidi was like nooooo. maybeno

When Heidi walked away for a brief second Blake is like thats a privilege

I was like what

Never mind I didnt say anything always a quick response when you have said something you werent meant to. But I just played with it.

well ok then I heard you but whatever. Then Heidi started to nag me to leave as she needed to go to the toilet.

fine we will go... Bye I yelled bye over my shoulder to Blake and Charlie as he just appeared out of nowhere. After we went to the toilet I went to the car and we went home. Then it started to sink in. what if Blake thinks he is my crush? When his not dont get me wrong his nice and all but I dont like him like that, well anyone like that. Thinking about it, its kind of weird and all but I havent had a crush for ages. I stopped having a crush in year two and havent had one since. Not like everyone else, most of my friends have dated or had hundreds of crushes before. When I have had one crush and dated a boy in pre-primary (which doesnt mean anything in anyway) for 10 seconds. Thats the only time I like someone. I liked that same boy for one year after that and then he turned into the biggest jerk ever. He has been the same since then.

Last year someone asked me out. I said yes only because I didnt want him to be upset if I said no., I found out 2 weeks later after we decided to break up. That someone dared him to do it to me, like why me. Too get $100. $50 too ask me and $50 to dump me (which didnt happen we both decided). I havent been the same person since and have been wondering if someone does like me will they do the same thing. I havent forgiven him since and dont talk to him anymore. And I dont talk to my one of my best friends from last year because he new it was going to happen, and he wanted it to happen because he thought it was funny. They were being stupid boys. The most annoying bit is that the person that asked me out didnt ever tell me why he asked me he told my friend and lied to my face. I knew something was up I just didnt know what, so I asked him why you asked me out he said because he liked me which was 100% not true. But all well thats in it past. IM now looking at the future. But now Im scared as I have another scary time because last week Jandre asked me if I had found the special someone. Which I havent but still what does he know that I dont. Anyway, its probably time for me to go to bed.


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