Chapter Six

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((The next chapter will be the party!!! Who's excited? I am! Not much is gonna happen in this chapter. Just FYI. If any of you guys have ideas of what should happen at the party, don't be afraid to let me know! Anyway, thanks for the continuing support and happy reading! - Wolfie))

Keith had no idea why he agreed to go shopping with Pidge and Allura. He hated shopping and he hated malls. However, it was better than dealing with his dad. So here he stood, in front of the Primark at the mall, dumbstruck as he looked into the enormous store. 

"I'm so happy you actually decided to come out with us!" Pidge squealed, practically vibrating with excitement. 

"I thought you said you hated shopping," Keith grumbled, crossing his arms with a scowl.

"Oh, I do. I'm just here for the food," She dismissed the claim with a wave of her hand. "And so I can make you try on all sorts of clothes." She devilishly laughed, rubbing her palms together.

"Pidge. Be nice," Allura scolded, turning to her friend. "But really, we are both very pleased that you decided to join. We'll find you something fitting for the party tonight."

She and Pidge began walking into the store, not bothering to look over their shoulders to see if Keith would follow. For a few moments, he thought about seriously leaving. But something kept him from doing so. Maybe it was the underlying desire to impress Lance and proving the alpha wrong.  

What?! No! No way. Keith didn't have to impress Lance. Not at all. This was for him. To get some new outfits. Yeah. That was the reason. The only reason. 

Keith jogged after the two girls, trying to rid himself of the thoughts. "So. Um... How does this work? I only ever shop online..." He asked sheepishly, blushing slightly. 

"And let me guess. You shop at Hot Topic?" Pidge glanced over her shoulder at her friend, smirking with an eyebrow raised. 

"Maybe," Keith pouted, his cheeks heating up as he crossed his arms and flicked his bangs into his face to cover his eyes. 

Allura chuckled, slowing down so she could walk next to the nervous omega. "It's okay Keith. And we won't make you try anything on you don't want to." 

"I will only wear things in black, grey, or red. And maybe blue. But a dark blue," Keith specified as they made their way to the men's section of the store. "And only those colors. Nothing else. Make me try on anything that is another color, I will smite you both."

Both girls laughed, Allura lightly placing her hand on Keith's shoulder. He flinched at first, but let her touch him. Her light brown hand was warm and comforting through the fabric of his shirt. He hadn't noticed earlier, but she smelled nice, too. Floral, like lavender. A small smile made it's way onto his lips as he unconsciously moved closer to the taller girl. Allura noticed, of course, but she didn't say anything. She let the shielded omega do his own thing, glad that he felt comfortable enough around her to let her touch him. She could tell Keith had secrets, but those were his to keep. If he wanted her to know, he would tell her. 

Keith had always felt drawn to Allura. He had no idea why, because he knew he was gay. In more of a big sister kind of way. No matter how standoffish he seemed or how rudely he spoke to her, she always gave him a smile and kind words. It felt as if she could tell he hid something under the surface. At lunch the day before, they had mostly talked to each other, letting the rest of the team talk among themselves. She had given him her number and offered to take him out shopping. 

"Oh! Keith!" Pidge gasped, running over to the shirts. She tugged a dark red shirt with black paint splatters down from the rack. "This one. For sure." She draped the cloth over her shoulder, beginning to sift through the hangers. 

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