Chapter Twenty-Six

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((Hey everybody! This chapter will have mentions of self-harm and eating disorders, please be aware! Thanks for reading! - Wolf))

Keith gulped down water from the green and orange Gatorade water bottle. The sun beat down on the soccer players, dehydrating them and leaving them shaky. Hunk laid on the sun-baked grass, panting heavily. Lance, Rolo, Matt, and most of the other members of the team had taken off their jerseys, showing off their toned abs.

"Good job, boys! Let's call it a day. I think we're ready just about ready for regionals! Only a few more practices until we go!" Their red-haired coach cheered, beaming as he looked at the team. 

The team let out a collective groan. Lance dramatically collapsed onto the ground, landing in a pile on the dry grass. Keith let out a breathy chuckle, wiping water from his mouth. 

"You're such a drama queen," He teased, flopping down next to his boyfriend. His hair stuck to his neck and forehead, damp with sweat. The light blue jersey was pasted to his body, making him extremely uncomfortable. 

Lance tilted his head, a tired grin on his face. "What can I say? It's what I do best."

Rolling his eyes, Keith playfully whacked Lance on the arm. "C'mon. Let's go shower."

"No..." Lance drew out the syllable, whining. "I don't wanna get up."

"It's gonna get worse if you stay out here in the one million fucking degree heat."

"But babe!" 

"Stop being such a brat. Get up and let's shower!" Keith leaned down, his lips against Lance's ear. "I might even give you a blowjob once the team leaves."

That made Lance spring up, his eyes alight. He grabbed Keith's hand, yanking him up off the ground with a yelp. The omega laughed as he was dragged to the locker room. 

"Welp, Lance is gonna get his dick sucked," Matt stated plainly from his spot on the bleachers. 

"I don't wanna know!" Hunk shouted, covering his ears. 

"We better shower fast so they can get to it, huh?" Rolo chuckled after swallowing his water. 

"Ah! My ears!" Hunk cried, rolling over onto his side as he plugged his ears. 

The team laughed, shaking their heads as they slowly started to get up, stretching and groaning. 

"Last one to the showers buys the team milkshakes!" Matt yelled, sprinting towards the locker room. 

Quickly, the rest of the team followed, dying to get out of their gear and not wanting to pay for about ten milkshakes. Surprisingly, Rolo was the last to dash into the locker room. Hunk beat him by about a second. 

"Fuck!" He cussed, huffing as he crossed his arms. "Smalls. Only smalls."

"Fine," Matt sighed, shimmying out of his shorts. 

"Don't forget us!" Lance called, his voice echoing through the room. 

"Get your own goddamn milkshakes! At least you're getting laid!" Rolo snapped back, obviously salty about having to buy milkshakes. 

Keith's face heated up, turning bright red. He hid his face in Lance's chest as the cold water ran down their bodies. "Why'd you have to make it so obvious?" He hissed at his alpha, pouting.

"Sorry, honeybadger. I got excited." Lance pulled Keith close, rubbing his back lovingly.

"You're lucky I love you."

"I am." Lance kissed Keith's forehead, squeezing gently. Keith huffed, not meeting Lance's eyes. 

"Shut up," he mumbled, stepping closer to the Cuban.

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