Chapter Nineteen

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Lance held Keith's hand as they waited in line for the tickets to the new Spiderman movie. Keith looked around, unable to keep the smile off his face. He hadn't been to the movies in years. He'd always waited until it came out on Netflix or any other streaming network. The AMC had a fancy interior. Keith wondered if the theaters had those fancy reclining seats he'd heard so much about from others. 

"Want some popcorn?" Lance's voice snapped Keith back to the present. He blushed slightly, smiling shyly.

"Um, sure. If it's not too much trouble," Keith replied, not wanting Lance to pay too much just for him. 

"Honeybadger, it's fine. This is a movie. And our first official date. I'm paying," Lance said firmly, leaning down and pecking Keith's cheek. 

Keith huffed, pouting. "Fine. But next time, I pay."

Lance simply laughed, shaking his head a little as he took the tickets from the person behind the counter. "Okay."

Keith grinned, letting go of Lance's hand to bounce off to the food area. Lance smiled affectionately as he followed at a slower pace. The omega leaned on the counter, biting his lip as he waited for Lance. He jumped when he felt an arm circle his waist. Whipping his head around, he was ready to make a snarky comment to whoever touched him. 

"Didn't mean to startle you, baby," Lance's smooth voice calmed Keith down right away. 

"It's alright. Just try not to do this kind of thing, okay? I might accidentally punch you in the dick or something," Keith laughed nervously, leaning against Lance. 

"I'll do my best. I can't help wanting to touch you. You're so sexy and cute," Lance said, nuzzling his face in Keith's neck. He kissed lightly at the scent gland just under Keith's ear. 

Keith hummed, tilting his head to the side. "Don't do that. You'll make me blush," He whispered, shivering as Lance's breath tickled him.

"What if that's the point?" Chuckled the alpha. 

"We're here to watch a movie. There will be kids. Keep it PG, loverboy," Keith teased, turning in Lance's arms so they were facing one another. 

Lance pouted, giving Keith the puppy eyes. 

"Ah, ah. No. None of that. We can have some fun back at your place, but not here. Deal?" Keith raised his eyebrows, pressing his finger to Lance's lips. 

Exactly like a puppy, Lance perked up. If he had a tail, Keith had no doubt it would be wagging so hard the alpha's body would be shaking.  "Okay!" 

"Let's get popcorn now," Keith giggled, pecking Lance's cheek. He laced their fingers, pulling Lance towards the place where they could get popcorn. 

Lance grabbed a large bucket of popcorn, eating a few pieces. "What candy do you want?" He asked as he moved closer to the cashier. He stopped in front of the candy section, immediately grabbing a bag of mini Twizzlers. 

"You sure?" 

"Keith. Babe. I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't," He said with a smile, tilting his head. Lance pecked Keith's cheek sweetly. 

"Thanks," Keith whispered, blushing a little. He browsed the selection, tapping his chin. After a few minutes of looking, he decided on a box of Buncha Crunch. "Chocolate. My one true love." 

He rubbed the box against his cheek, closing his eyes and sighing happily. 

"Aw..." Lance pouted, looking at Keith with big, sad eyes. 

"I'm sorry. I love you, but you're gonna have to deal with being second best. I was trying to find a way to tell you..." Keith rested his hand on Lance's bicep, looking up at Lance apologetically. 

"I trusted you, Keith. How could you do this to me?" Lance whispered, brushing away invisible tears. 

"I didn't mean for you to find out this way. I'm sorry, Lance. Truly." Keith began to giggle uncontrollably, covering his mouth with his hand. He bent over, holding his stomach. 

Lance laughed as well, unable to keep himself from smiling as he watched Keith. He reached out and gently ran his fingers through Keith's soft, fluffy black hair. At the touch, Keith flinched away, his laughter cutting short. 

"I'm sorry, honeybadger. I couldn't help it," Lance said, pecking Keith's cheek. 

Keith took a few deep breaths, calming down. He was safe. Lance wouldn't hurt him and even if that extremely unlikely circumstance that Lance would hurt him, they were in a public place. He would be protected by the other people in the theater. 

"I-it's alright. Just reflexes," Keith said, walking up to the cashier. 

"I won't hurt you, I hope you know that." Lance wrapped an arm around Keith's waist. He pulled his boyfriend close, glad that Keith leaned into his touch this time. 

"I know. I'm letting you touch me in the first place. If I thought you would hurt me, I wouldn't be your boyfriend," Keith said as he put the box of candy on the counter for the cashier to scan. 

Lance kissed Keith's temple in reply, setting the popcorn down, as well as the Twizzlers. "And two large drinks, please."

The cashier, a young woman with piercings and bright pink hair in a high ponytail, sighed heavily as she stabbed the buttons on the register. Her golden bangles on her wrists clanked together as she moved. "That'll be thirty-sixty-five." She grumbled, obviously bored and annoyed to be dealing with people. 

Lance pulled out his credit card for her to scan, smiling warmly. She swiped the card and practically shoved it back at Lance. He put in his pin and signed the receipt. He pocketed his card and his copy of the receipt. "Thanks." 

Keith took the cups and hurried away to the drink machine. He really didn't like that kind of person. They made him nervous. Lance followed his omega, taking a cup from Keith. He chose vanilla Coke while Keith chose Dr. Pepper. 

"C'mon, honeybadger," He took the popcorn from Keith before leading them the side of the the building where their theater would be. Lance held the door open for Keith. 

They quickly found their seats and sat down. Keith pushed up the armrest so they could be closer as they watched the movie. He set his cup in the holder before he adjusted his seat to the farthest settings. Lance did the same before pulling Keith close. They nestled the popcorn in between them. 

"Comfortable?" Lance whispered, nudging his nose just under Keith's ear. 

"Mm," Keith replied, tearing the plastic off of the box of candy. He ate a few pieces of buttery popcorn, licking his finger of the salt. 

The previews had already started, which was helpful because they hadn't had to sit through the commercials. The omega payed attention to the new movies coming out soon. He perked up when the trailer for the second Frozen came on screen. 

"When that comes out, can we see it?" He shook Lance's shoulder excitedly. 

Lance chuckled, nodding. "Sure, honeybadger." 

"Yay!" He chirped, smiling widely as he snuggled against Lance. 

"You're so cute," Lance murmured, kissing at Keith's neck lovingly. 

"No." He whined, dragging out the syllable. 

"Yes. Now, shh. The movie's starting," Lance chuckled softly, giving Keith's shoulders a squeeze. 

Keith grumbled under his breath, pouting a little. He stopped talking, though and payed attention to the screen. He was warm and safe and having fun. He wanted to have these kinds of moments with Lance for a long time to come. 

((Hey, guys! I'm sorry for taking so long to update. Even though it's summer, I haven't had a chance to get on a computer that often. However, my school starts soon so I'll be able to write more often. I've also had a bit of writers block and my depression has been a bitch recently. I'll do my best to update more often, though! Thanks for reading and supporting me! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you have any ideas that you want to see happen, don't be afraid to tell me! I also have other stories, if you wanna check them out! - Wolfie))

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