Part One

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[y/n's P.O.V]
Today was the day i were going to follow my little sister to a band's concert. My mother had bought me and my little sister tickets to a band called why don't we,, even limelight upgrade too! I did not want to go as it was just a concert and I thought it was a waste of money to buy tickets to go,, but my mother was going out of the country for work and wanted me to bring my little sister, Emily, to the concert.
Emily and I are queueing up for limelight along with so many other fans. Before I knew it, i was infront of the boys. My sister was so excited,, and started to tell me all their names.
"That one's Jonah, then Daniel, then Zach, that one over there..."her voice faded when i found myself staring at a blond boy with hazel eyes.
"Helloooooo??" Emily asked, waving her arms infront of me."We're next!!" As i came back to reality, i saw the blond boy staring at me too.
[Corbyn's P.O.V]
As the fans walked out of the room, i looked to the next fans in line. When i turned my head, i saw this gorgeous girl, with brown wavy hair. Before i could stop myself, i caught myself staring at her for so long until Jonah tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey, corbyn." I shook myself into reality and saw a little girl infront of me, looking up at me. I gave her a big hug and then, that girl. That girl came and gave me a hug too. I don't understand why my heart started to beat rapidly when i hugged her.
[Back to y/n's P.O.V]
Emily ran towards a blue-eyed boy and began hugging all of them. I followed her,, hugging all the boys until the blond guy. I hugged awkwardly and soon let go. "Why was my heart rate quicken when i was hugging that boy??" I thought. Letting the thought go, we took a picture with the boys. Emily was hugging Daniel? I think he's name is daniel. in the picture and i was in-between i think Jonah? and the blond guy. Getting Emily off Daniel was hard work. She was clinging onto Daniel and he was laughing,, but after awhile, she gave in and let go. Walking out of the room, i felt like someone was staring at me. I turned around to find that blond boy staring at me.
[Corbyn's P.O.V]
After taking the group picture with them, they headed out of the room. As that girl walked out of the room, my eyes followed her. When the girl was about to leave, she turned back and caught me staring at her.
"Oooo u like her, don't you??" Daniel asked, behind me.
"Do you think she saw me staring at her?!!"
I asked.
"I dun think so. But u just admitted that you like her' Daniel replied, giving me a nudge.

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