Part Four

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[y/n's P.O.V]
I was doing my homework and Emily had been bugging me non-stop,, asking me if Corbyn had texted me. All the time it was the same answer. No, sadly. Until at the corner of my eye, i saw my phone turn on. I took my phone and saw that Zach from Why Don't We had sent me a video? I opened the video from my Instagram account and found a video of that same blond boy saying that he was looking through my instagram?? AND THAT I WAS GORGEOUS. Oh my god. I was so shocked till i dropped my phone onto the floor. How can such a cute boy like him like a normal person, me?
The next moment, i don't know how Em could hear me drop my phone but she raced into the room and yelled, "HE TEXTED YOU RIGHT?!?! ABOUT TIME!!" She grabbed my phone from the floor and watched the video even before i could snatch it back.
"CORBYN MATTHEW BESSON JUST CALLED YOU G.O.R.G.U.S OH MY GODD" she screamed, not caring about her spelling error." Do you like him back, y/n? Do you?!?!?! PLSPLSPLS SAY YES" she begged.
"I-i.."i murmured. "I guess so..."
"SO YOU LIKE HIM TOO?!?!! OH MY GOD TEXT BACK" she screamed.
"FINE BUT STOP SCREAMING EM" i shouted, snatching back my phone. I texted back,' um thank you?'
[Corbyn's P.O.V]
"ohmygodohmygodohmygod whatamisupposetodo y/n's gonna know i said that she was gorgeous oh no" thoughts was swarming my head.
"SHE TEXTED BACK BEAN!" Jack yelled, holding Zach's phone."She texted "um thank you" with a question mark!"
"What does that mean?" Zach asked.
"She's confused" Daniel replied.
"Type something!" Jonah chimed in.
"I think Corbyn should text something" Daniel suggested.
Holding the phone to me, i wrote back "Hey, it's Corbyn remember me?"
"Yeah i do why?" She replied.
"What do i say guys?!!" I asked, in panic.
"Give me the phone," Jonah took the phone from me and wrote "Want to grab a bite tmr at the cafe beside Taco Bell at 2pm?"
[y/n's P.O.V]
"Did he just ask me on a date?!?!" I wondered out loud.
Emily was sitting beside me,, screaming," MY SISTER'S GOING ON A DATE WITH CORBYN MATTHEW BESSON!!!"
I cupped my hands and put it over her mouth. Then i let go and asked," what should i say?!"
"SAY YES, DUMMIE!!" She exclaimed.
I agreed to the "date".
[Corbyn's P.O.V]
She said yes!! She actually agreed!! Not knowing what to do, i just texted back a smiley face.
He and the boys then got ready for their city-tour around Singapore. He wore a white shirt, along with a demin jacket and black ripped jeans. As we walked out of our tour bus, we were at a place called Marina Bay Sands. As i looked around the place, i saw trees, buildings and lakes. After awhile of walking around the area, i realised Singapore is like a green city.
[y/n's P.O.V]
Once i finished my homework, my phone started to ring, giving me a fright. Upon hearing the phone, i was scared to think that it was Corbyn calling me,, but luckily i glanced over my phone and saw my best friend's name! I picked up the phone and heard my best friend asking me to go out to Marina Bay Sands to do some shopping. Of course i agreed!
I took the train to Marina Bay Sands and stood at the side, waiting for my stop. On my way there, in the train, i think i saw people around my age staring and pointing at me....
At first i thought i was just dreaming but then i realised that people are LITERALLY staring at me. I tried to ignore it and move to another corner of the train but there would always people pointing at me.
"Isn't she the one that gave Corbyn her number?"
"Who does she think she is?"
"Why does Corbyn even like her?"
All these hurtful words kept coming.
I then put on my ear piece and listened to music.
Soon, i arrived at the train station and met up with my best friend, Lurin. When i met Lurin, she asked me if i knew what was going on in the Internet.
"What do you mean?" I asked.

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