Part Seven(Finale)

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[corbyn's P.O.V]
As Jonah was walking to the girls, i notice one of them, wearing a black dress, turn around. Y/n? She looks so beautiful...snap out of it corbyn! I looked up to see Jonah starting a conversation with Lurin? Y/n looks like she finding someone she looking for me?
[y/n's P.O.V]
When i saw Jonah, i was star-struck but Lurin clearly wasn't. She jumped up from her seat and walked towards Jonah, giving him a hug. I then looked around for Corbyn and i don't see- wait no i see him there! Do i walk over? I think he sees me..but he's not doing anything though. Do i walk over to him? Is he waiting for-
My thoughts were interrupted with Lurin pushing me forward to Corbyn.
"Hey!" I exclaimed but not too loud for everyone to look at me.
"Go for it, y/n" she whispered, still pushing me.
2nd page
"Fine" i mumbled, slowly walking towards him. I was walking towards him, my heart beating rapidly, but out of a sudden i tripped over something and fell on Corbyn?
[Corbyn's P.O.V]
As y/n was walkin towards me, i think she didn't see the dented tile on the floor, and she tripped over it. The moment i saw her falling, my first instinct was to catch her. I raised my arms and caught her in my arms. Looking at her, she stared at me. We made eve contact for about 1 minute and she stood up so fast that she nearly fell again.
[y/n's P.O.V]
I. Just. Fell. On. Corbyn. Ohmygod. STAND UP Y/N! I stood up immediately and almost fell again, Corbyn reaching out his arms in case i fell again. "how sweet" i thought. "Say something, y/n. Thank him!"
"um..thank yo..ou for catching me" i stummered. He then said no problem and just smiled, cutely.
3rd page
"Hey lovebirds how about we sit together?" Jonah asked, behind us. Apparently, Lurin and he were waiting for us to finish talking. We nodded quietly and sat down with Lurin and Jonah.
As Lurin and i continued eating, Jonah and Corbyn patiently waited. After eating, Lurin and Jonah chatted away so easily! If only me and Corbyn could be like that...
[Corbyn's P.O.V]
Lurin and Jonah were talking to each other happily while y/n and i are just sitting, queitly. I should say smth. "'s your day been?" I asked her.
She just said good and asked me the same thing. I said good. Well...back to silence...
[y/n's P.O.V]
He tried starting a conversation...i mean i shld try too..
"My sister love you guys music, and especially Daniel" i said, smiling.
He began to laugh and said, "i can see that"
We then began to talk more openly about our interests and our lifes. After talking for hours, Jonah and Corbyn kept getting texts on their phones. Lurin and i started to get suspicious and asked them what was going on with their phones. They explained that Zach, Jack and Daniel kept texting them where they were and was telling them to bring us to their house.
"I mean im up for it!" Lurin agreed.
Typical Lurin. "How about you?" Jonah asked me.
"Sure" i blurted out.
"Really?" Lurin asked. I just nodded, rolling my eyes at her. "Let's gooo" she exclaimed, pulling me out of the cafe. Jonah and Corbyn behind us laughing.
"Where are you girls going huh?" Corbyn asked us.
"To the train station!" Lurin replied.
"Nono let's take my car" Jonah said, laughing.
"Oh ok" Lurin said.
As we were on our way to the Why Don't We house, Cobryn and i sat at the back while Jonah and Lurin sat in the front.
When we reached the house, it wasn't just a house to me and Lurin. We both stared at the ginormous house in awe.
"This is GINORMOUS!" Lurin exclaimed, excitedly. Looking at me, laughing, was Corbyn. "Hey! It's really ginormous compared to the houses i see!" I argued.
"Okok let's g-" The door flung open before Jonah could finish talking.
"WELCOME!!" Daniel, Jack and Zach screamed in unison, running out of the house. "Hi, you remember me??" Daniel asked me. I nodded and said,"Yeah, Daniel."
"I'm Jack"
"And i'm Zach!"
"Let's go in now" Jonah finally said.
We all headed into the house and it was quite clean for a house with boys.
"How about we watch a movie?" Corbyn suggested. Everyone agreed and we all sat down on the couch.
Corbyn and i sat together and when i looked to the side to see Lurin and Jonah cuddling together at a corner of another couch. As the movie was playing, my phone began to ring. I forgot that i had changed my ringtone to one of Why Don't We's songs and everyone was staring at me. I could feel my cheeks turning red when everyone was staring but quickly looked at my phone again. It was Emily, my sister.
I picked up the phone and the first thing i heard was...
"Hello y/n. I know about your new boyfriend, Corbyn. It wasn't so easy to find where you are, you know? You are dating a celebrity. If you want your sister back, meet me at the park we used to go to at 9pm." and like that, he hung up.
Hearing that, a tear came out from my eyes. Only one person could have called me. Hunter.(if you still don't get it, it's 'your' ex-boyfriend)
[Corbyn's P.O.V]
Looking over to y/n, i saw a tear on her face. "Hey, are you ok?" I asked, wiping away the tear.
"Yeah, i just got something in my eye" she replied. Even though i had a feeling that she was lying, i decided to trust her and go with it. Pushing away the thought, we continued to watch the movie, although it seems like something is bothering y/n the whole time.
[y/n's P.O.V]
Throughout the whole movie, i could not stop thinking about that call. "Oh my god why did i leave Em at home?" I thought, regreting everything. My mother had only one thing for me to do, to take care of my sister while she was gone. And i had failed. but maybe not yet if i meet him, he might let her go.
After a few minutes after the call, i could feel like corbyn kept looking at me worriedly. Knowing that he wasn't going to stop worrying, i decided to leave and go to my house.
"Hey...i think i should go home now" i said.
"Oh ok go take care of Emily" he replied.
Hearing that made my heart stop. Hearing Emily's name almost made me cry...
I then left the house after saying goodbye to the boys. When i was closing the door,i turned back and saw corbyn looking at me, all worried. Quickly, i closed the door and left. If i kept looking at his sad eyes, i would probably run into his arms and tell him everything. I can't do that, it would just get him hurt and im the only one who can save my sister.
The nightfall began to darken as i went to bed. Turning and tossing, i couldn't fall asleep.
[corbyn's P.O.V]
Why was y/n acting so weird?
Out of a sudden, y/n said she wanted to leave so i let her, but knowing her now, i knew there was something going on. When i said Emily's name, it seemed like a knife just stabbed y/n's heart.

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