Part Three

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[Corbyn's P.O.V]
"She said hey. And all i said was hi! Like HELLOO SAY SOMETHING CORBYN." I thought to myself.
"So.. you a fan?" I asked.
"Not little sister is head over heels on you guys..and my mum had told me to take care of her throughout the concert." She explained.
At first, my heart sank as i thought she had come to the concert because she liked our music..but then i thot she was different then other girls.
[y/n's P.O.V]
After explaining my reason of coming to the concert to Corbyn, i swear i saw a tinge of disappointment. "Did i say something wrong?" I wondered.
"Cool thing you're doing for your sister," he then said.
"Yup, just doing this for my sister," i replied.
"Hey, i think i should go to my other bandmate now i'll see you later on?" He told me.
"Ok" i said walking towards my little sister.
[Corbyn's P.O.V]
Why did i say that? I could have asked for her number but i didn't! Why?!?!
I walked over to Jonah and told him i needed to talk to him. The fans took note and walked towards Jack and Zach who are busy fighting over a toy. Again. "Wassup" Jonah said.
"I don't know why i just told that girl that i had to go talk to you.. and then i didn't ask for her number..and then-" I got caught off guard when i saw Jonah walking straight towards the girl.
[y/n's P.O.V]
I walked back to Daniel who my little sister was still talking to and i think i saw him surprised to see me go back to him after like a few seconds with Corbyn.
Soon, i found myself talking to Daniel about my little sister and how big of a fan she was at home, blasting their music in the halls, room and basically the whole house. Then, when i was still talking to Daniel with my little sister, i felt a tap on my shoulder. "Um..hi" i heard a deep voice behind me.
I turned around to find a tall boy around my age behind me. "Hi" i said.
" My friend Corbyn wanted to ask if he could get your name and number?" He asked me.
"Um..i'm y/n and i don't really do this but my number's ####" i blurted out.
"Ok..thanks!" He wrote my number on his phone and walked towards Corbyn.
"Did i just do that?!?!" I thought, trying my best to hide my little smile.
[Corbyn's P.O.V]
I saw Jonah asked the girl for her number i think..but i saw her look over Jonah straight at me, confused. Then, Jonah was walking back at me with a wink and told me," Your welcome dude" He sent it to my phone and i saw her name. y/n. "What a beautiful name..." i thought.
"Thanks man" i gave Jonah a nudge.
[Skip to the end of the after-party]
"Byeeeee!!" Emily exclaimed at them, and followed me out of the room,, i gave a little wave to Corbyn and Daniel.
When we were on our way back home, Emily could not stop asking me about Corbyn and i. "OH MY GOD, CORBYN TOTALLY LIKES YOU, Y/N!!" She screamed in the train. People shoot glares at me to keep her quiet.
"QUIET EM" i whispered but loud enough to get her quiet.
"But stilllll,, he's gonna text you and you might be boyfriend and girlfriend and i can see Daniel and the boys more!!!" She exclaimed.
I smiled at the thought of being a couple with Corbyn but shook the thought away.
[Corbyn's P.O.V]
The boys and i walked back to our tour-bus and the boys could not stop asking me when i was going to text y/n.
"When are you going to text her??!!" Jonah asked.
"Yeah whennnn" Zach chimed in.
"Shut up guys" Corbyn snapped but then whispered to himself "maybe tomorrow.."
[Skip to the next morning]>[Still Corbyn's P.O.V]
I was just scrolling through instagram when i thought about searching for y/n's account. Looking around for the boys, none of them were around,, maybe still sleeping. I typed in her name and found only one search. "yy/nn, unique account name" i said in my normal voice,, before i could lower my voice.
"DID I HEAR CORBYN SAYING Y/N'S NAME?!?!" Zach yelled, running out of the toilet, along with Daniel running out from his bed.
[Third person view]
Turns out all the boys was just pretending to be asleep but was listening to corbyn.
"HEY QUIETEN DOWN GUYS!" Tyler shouted at them.
"OK TYTY!" Zach and Jack yelled back.
"NOT LISTENING" they shouted back.
"Anyways, corb0ne, did u say y/n has a unique acc name;)" Daniel asked with a smirk on his face.
"I was just looking through her insta and she's gorgeous!" Corbyn blurted out before he could even stop himself.
"I GOT THAT ON VIDEO!" Zach shouted.
"GONNA SEND IT TO Y/N!!" Zach screamed,, running back into the toilet and sending it to y/n. Before Corbyn could open the door, the video had already been sent...

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