Part Two

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[y/n's P.O.V]
After we left the room, we went to wait outside for the concert to begin. While waiting, Emily could not stop talking about her and Daniel hugging previously. As she was blabbering about Daniel, i could not stop thinking about that blond boy. "Snap out of it, y/n! It's just another boy!" I said to myself.
"Anywaysss, i saw you and Corbyn staring at each other like lovebirds!" The moment i heard those words come out of Emily, i asked her,"He was staring at me?!"
Emily nodded her vigoriously.
"Corbyn...that's a nice name."I thought.
[Corbyn's P.O.V]>[when the limelight upgrade and meet & greets were over]
I was still thinking about that one girl and kept zoning off. "Hey,Corbyn!!" Zach waved his hand infront of my face."Were you listening to me?"
"Huh?" I asked, confused as i wasn't listening.
"He's still thinking about that girl," Daniel explained.
"WHAT GIRL?!" Zach, Jack and Jonah chimed.
"Don't tell me it was that girl with her little sister," Jack said.
"The one with brown wavy hair" Daniel replied.
"Oh my god, i actually for once ship the two of them, sorry jack."Zach said in disbelief that those words were coming out of HIS mouth! "You still have me!" He exclaimed with a wink.
[Skip to when the concert was about to begin]
"Come on!" Emily pulled my arm towards the doors of where the concert was held.
Our mother had gotten us front row seats so that Emily could see the boys upfront.
After a while of waiting, the fans, i suppose limelights?, started to chant "Why Don't We, Why Don't We" over and over again until the lights dimmed.
Music began to play and five boys were standing infront of us. As they started to sing, Emily had gotten crazy and was jumping up and down, singing. When Emily started to complain to you that she can't see them clearly, i put her on my shoulders to give her a clearer view.
Then, the blond boy, Corbyn?, was in the spotlight, and started to sing. When he was singing, he looked down to the fans and smiled. His eyes were looking around like he was finding someone. "Why does it look like he's looking for someone?" I thought. Waving away the thought, i looked up and saw Corbyn looking at me! "Was he looking for me?" I thought in disbelief.
[Corbyn's P.O.V]
Lights shone at me and i began to sing. I searched the crowd for that girl as i was singing. I smiled at the crowd and moved forward to sing my line. When i moved forward, i looked down and right there, was her, with i think her little sister on her shoulders. "She's so kind and caring to let her sister sit on her shoulder." I thought. When she looked up and saw me looking at her,i quickly sang my line and moved to the side.
[y/n's P.O.V]
I looked up, staring back at him,, back he quickly moved to the side. "Did he see something? Did i disgust him?" These thoughts filled my mind. Throughout the whole concert, i found my eyes following Corbyn,, but the strange thing was why he kept avoiding me even when i caught him staring at me too.
[After the concert]>[Corbyn's P.O.V]
I walked backstage,, fans cheering behind me. "Why did i keep looking at that girl?!"
"Corbs,i saw you and a girl staring at each other throughout the WHOLE concert man" Jonah told him. Daniel then explained to him everything. "Why didn't you wink at her or like smiled at her?!" Daniel asked.
"I-" I stammered.
How could i answer when i don't even know the answer myself?
[y/n's P.O.V]
Em(Emily)and i were now queueing up for the after-party as we got limelight upgrade. Em could not stop blabbering about the concert and i was in my own train of thoughts.
After a few minutes of waiting, we entered the room where the boys were waiting. When i entered, the first thing that caught my eye was Corbyn. He was talking to Daniel about something but i just looked away and followed my mother's instructions. To take care of my sister. Since Em had clearly wanted to run over and jump onto Daniel, i took her over to Daniel. Em and Daniel were talking for ages,, until Daniel saw me bored as i stood at the side waiting for Em. He then pointed to Corbyn and told me to talk to him. When i turned my head to see where he was pointing at, my heart began to have that weird feeling again but i still agreed and walked over to him.
[Corbyn's P.O.V]
After talking to a fan, i looked over to Daniel to see him talking to that girl! He was pointing to me and seemed like he was telling her to talk to me! "WHY DANIEL, I HATE YOU" i yelled inside my head. The next moment was the girl walking over to me. I didn't know what to do.
[y/n's P.O.V]
The moment i realised i stood infront of Corbyn, i didn't know what to say,, but a word came out of my mouth. "Hey"
"Hi" he replied. Silence.

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