Part Six

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[y/n's P.O.V]
We carried on chatting away, talking about life. Soon, Lurin felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning around, she saw Jonah!
"Are you free tmr?" He asked, clearly nervous as sweat began to form on his forehead.
Speechless, Lurin agreed by nodding her head.
"Well...can i have your number" he asked, taking out his phone. "I mean to tell you when we should meet!"
Taking his phone, she wrote her number in and texted herself so that she knew his number too.
With her number in his phone, he walked away with a skip in his step. Before he left the cafe, he turned back and winked at Lurin. Looking at Lurin, i could tell that wink had killed her heart instantly.
"Did...did you see that!!JONAH MARAIS JUST ASKED ME OUT!" She yelled in excitement. She yelled so loud till everyone in the cafe heard her, staring at her.
"How did you know his last name?" I asked, curious as if she had known his last name, why would she ask me his first name?
She then explained that she had been a limelight since they had just started as a band but didn't want her to know as she thought that i was going to laugh at her.
"I would never laugh at you!" I replied.
[Corbyn's P.O.V]
"I DID IT! I GOT HER NUMBER, I BEAT YOU ZACH!" Jonah shouted at Zach.
All of us except Zach were congratulating him, while Zach was pouting like a little boy,, which made us laugh.
"How about you make it a double date for tmr?" Daniel suggested, along with me agreeing as i was still worried about it fir the both of us.
Jonah then nodded his head and texted y/n's friend, asking her whether she wanted to go on a double date with me and y/n.
Out of a sudden, Jack told Jonah "you should actually ask her for her name man."
"Oh yeah!" He exclaimed, fingers texting on his phone.
[y/n's P.O.V]
After we finished our desert, we left the cafe. The moment we stepped out of the cafe, Lurin started to jump up and down, squealing in happiness. "Wha-what the" i stummered in shock.
" JONAH ASKED ME IF I WANTED TO-" she screamed halfway out of breath. "TO GO TO A DOUBLE DATE WITH YOU AND CORB0NE!!" As she finished her sentence, she was breathing heavily, out of breath.
"Well...what did you say?!!" I asked.
"OF COURSE I AGREED! Now you're not alone so you don't have to be so scared tmr!" She said. "Hey! Do you have anything to do ltr on? And is anyone at your house now?"
"No and no...why?"
Lurin pulled me towards the MRT Station and took the train to my house. In a few stations, we reached my station and walked to my house. When we entered the house, Lurin dashed towards my room and flung open my wardrobe's door since it was a walk-in closet.
"Everytime i come to your house, i always forget about your awesome closet!" She squealed in amazement.
My parents were quite rich but they were always out of the country.
She then explored the whole closet, taking out piles of clothing and throwing them onto the small couch inside the walk-in closet. After 2 hours of waiting for Lurin, i finally asked her what she was doing.
She then replied,"You still don't know?! Hellooo?? I'm picking out our outfits,, if you allow me to lend your clothes since they are so adorable!! for tmr!!"
I then told her she could choose anything she wanted to wear for tmr. Uponing hearing this, she ran towards me, pulling me into a big bear hug, thanking me multiple times.
Then, she took out 2 outfits, one for me and one for her.
"I already planned out our outfits for the both of us for tmr!" She squealed.
She handed out a black dress with straps to me,, and took another white dress(which looked a little more puffy?)for herself.
"I love the fact that it's black! but-" i was cut off by her saying that no buts and i had to wear the dress even after countless whinning from me. I ended up thanking her for helping me choose the dress and agreed to wear it tmr.
After choosing the dresses, we continued to chat away,, but soon, she had to leave.
"See you tmr!!" She called out to me,, closing the door behind her.
As the sun disappeared from the sky, darkness filled the whole city,, except the lights from people's houses and street lights.
After getting ready to sleep, i jumped into my bed and tried to sleep although to no avail. Tossing and turning, i tried countless of times to force myself to sleep but my brain was still filled with thoughts of the double date the next day.
[corbyn's P.O.V]
It was already 12a.m. but i was the only one who still can't sleep! The guys were already asleep while i was alone in the dark. Stuck with all these thoughts. What happens if i accidentally spill water on y/n? What if i screw up? Does she even like me like Jonah said?
After hours of trying to sleep, i finally dozed off.
The next day
[y/n's P.O.V]
Ring! The alarm clock rang. Looking at the clock, i saw 7a.m.. Nah, just 1 more hour won't hurt right? I went back to sleep. Little did i know, when i woke up after "1 hour" i felt more refreshed than before. I turned to see the clock on my bed side table. WHAT!? 11A.M.!?! Oh no. LURIN!! Lurin and i had promised each other to meet at her house before we went to the cafe to meet Corbyn and Jonah. But at 11.10a.m.! I snatched my phone and saw over a hundred texts, all from lurin! I quickly texted her that i was on the way and tossed my phone aside, running to my closet, grabbed the dress and ran into the toilet. I brushed my teeth, took a short shower and put on the black dress, with a little make up since i had no more time.
Running out of the house with my hair flying behind me, i grabbed my bag with my phone. Since Lurin's house was only a walking distance, i didn't need to take a taxi and ran towards her house. Before i could even ring her door bell, the door flung open and there was Lurin, crossing her arms, in the white dress i lent her.
"I'm so sorry that im late" i apologised.
"You overslept again, didn't you?"
She asked me, a smile appearing on her face.
Nodding, i asked her "Can we go eat breakfast now?"
She nodded and brought me to another cafe in the same building as the one we were meeting Jonah and Corbyn.
[corbyn's P.O.V]
Waking up, my whole body still abit soar from tossing and turning, i looked at the clock. 10a.m.. "Ok. Today's the day." I thought. "The day i take out y/n on a date."
I walked over to my wardrobe and took out a shirt and jeans. Not too fancy and not too casual? Whatever. I need to impress her...but how?
I took my phone and saw Jonah's messages saying to meet before we met the girls. We decided to meet at another cafe since we had no intention to go anywhere else in that same building.
[A few hours passed>Jonah and Corbyn met and were walking to the cafe]
We were walking to the cafe,, chatting about how nervous we were about the double date. Well...i was nervous,, Jonah wasn't really nervous.. Little did i know that when i walked into the cafe, i saw two familiar girls in two beautiful dresses sitting down at the corner of the cafe. I wasn't the only one who spotted them, Jonah agreed with me that they looked familiar. We decided(well...Jonah decided)to walk up to them. He then walked straight towards the two girls.
[y/n's P.O.V]
After ordering our breakfast, we waited, sitting at out table. A few minutes passed and the aroma of the delicious food were brought to our table. As we tucked into our food, i couldn't help but felt like someone was walking towards us. I looked behind and was shocked to see...
[corbyn's P.O.V]
As Jonah was walking to the girls, i notice one of them, wearing a black dress, turn around. Y/n? She looks so beautiful...snap out of it corbyn! I looked up to see Jonah starting a conversation with Lurin? Y/n looks like she finding someone she looking for me?
[y/n's P.O.V]
When i saw Jonah, i was star-struck but Lurin clearly wasn't. She jumped up from her seat and walked towards Jonah, giving him a hug. I then looked around for Corbyn and i don't see- wait no i see him there! Do i walk over? I think he sees me..but he's not doing anything though. Do i walk over to him? Is he waiting for-
My thoughts were interrupted with Lurin pushing me forward to Corbyn.

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