Part Five

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She then explained to me that a video of you supposedly giving your number to a member of Why Don't We had been leaked and that people were now either following you on Instagram, supporting, shipping the both if you or had chosen to hate on you.
"y/n, it's ok. Don't panic, just ignore them" Lurin comforted me.
I nodded my head and continued to make our way to Marina Bay Sands.
Marina Bay Sands was like a big grand building where tourists usually go to shop. We began to go into stores and 'shop till we drop'.
"Let's go to Louis Vuitton!" Lurin exclaimed, excitedly.
[Corbyn's P.O.V]
We then entered Marina Bay Sands,, surrounded by shops! The moment we stepped into the building,, Zach pulled Jonah and Jack's arms into Louis Vuitton,, screaming in excitement like a little girl. Daniel and I followed them, laughing. We all knew Zach's favourite shop and i mean FAVOURITE AND TREASURED shop to him is Louis Vuitton.
As we entered the shop in excitement, i saw the person i least wanted to see...
[y/n's P.O.V]
After hours of being in the shop, waiting for Lurin to finish paying for her bag, we finally could leave the shop. But as i was waiting, i looked up and saw Corbyn. Why? Why out of all people? Corbyn?!! It's going to be so embarrassing!!
Then, before i knew it, Corbyn made eye contact with me.
"Isn't that the why don't we boys?!!" Lurin squealed, happily while i was the opposite, nodding my head.
[Corbyn's P.O.V]
What am i gonna do?!?!
Without thinking, i walked straight towards her and said," Please forget about the video...Zach was just fooling around..."
She didn't reply. She just nodded.
And there it was again. Silence. Jonah then came to the rescue?? He reminded her with a wink," Don't forget about the date tmr."
[y/n's P.O.V]
Uponing hearing those words from Jonah, Lurin replied for me," oh of course! She won't miss it for the world!!" Then, she pulled me out of the shop and ran towards a further shop away from Louis Vuitton. "Did he know about the video?" She asked me. "Oh my god i can't believe i talked to them! In real life!!"
Why did i act like that? Why?! Infront of them?! Infront of CORBYN?!
"Hellloooo?!?!" Lurin asked me, snapping her fingers infront of my face back to reality.
I then told her that i didn't think that Corbyn knew about the leaked video...
After that, she suggested to forget about all these and continue with the shopping!
We then continued to shop, walking into different shops at Marina Bay Sands. Although i tried to shove all the thoughts in my mind about Corbyn and the date tomorrow, it kept coming. What should i wear tmr? What if something goes wrong tmr? What if...?
[Corbyn's P.O.V]
What just happened?
"Your welcome" Jonah said, proudly.
"Wow...who thought Corbyn was gonna be the first to get a girlfriend?" Jack asked.
"Well,i dibs her friend!" Zach and Jonah yelled.
"What about meee???" Daniel whined.
"Shut up guys!" I yelled, not so loud until everyone looked at us.
But all our chaos had caused limelights, our fans, to look our way, running towards us, asking for our autographs and pictures.
After all the pictures and autographs, we continued to shop around the building. We decided to rest at a nearby and at the same time famous, cafe to eat desert!
Upon hearing the mention of food, i could see Zach's brain coming up with all types of food. Soon, he would start drooling and then the floor would be filled with his drool! I quickly brought him to the cafe to get him the food, laughing.
[y/n's P.O.V]
As we were walking around the building with our bags of clothing and bags, etc., our legs felt like they were going to die. Literally. So Lurin pulled out her phone to google a place to rest and maybe eat desert. She then came across a cafe which was quite famous arounf the area. We walked towards the cafe and entered. As we entered, we were greeted with a sweet smell. When we sat down, Lurin went to order desert for the both of us while i waited. As i waited for the food, i looked around the cafe in awe. It was surrounded with pastel and primary colours, giving it a different atmosphere than other girly cafes. My eyes went around the whole cafe until it landed on Corbyn. When i caught sight of him, i rubbed my eyes,, not believing what i saw. But he was there, alright. Then, Lurin came back to our seats with our desert. "Lurin! There're right there!" I exclaimed, softly.
Turning back towards their direction, her eyes widened. Then we talked and enjoyed our meal. As we were eating our desert, i noticed Jonah and Zach kept looking at Lurin. I told Lurin what they were doing behind her and i could see her face turn red. "Actually i was wondering what that boy's name was" she asked, pointing to Jonah.
"That's Jonah,, oooo you like him don't you!" I exclaimed, poking her.
"Hey! You like Corbyn! Why can't i like Jo...Jonah!" She argued back, causing me to laugh."Don't laugh!"
Hearing her, i started to laugh more.
[Corbyn's P.O.V]
As we were eating and chatting away, i realised that y/n and her friend was only 3 tables away from us. I told the boys and Jonah and Zach started to fight between who was going to ask her friend out, while i was stuck with this feeling, scared about tmr's "date" with y/n. Pushing away that feeling, Daniel and Jack was trying their best to shut Zach and Jonah up. I looked over Jonah's shoulder, directly at y/n.
I don't think she knows that we're here.. "how about we quietly escape the cafe without her?" I asked the boys.
"But i want to-" Zach was cut off by Jonah.
"You guys can leave first, i'll catch up with y'all ltr" he said, getting up and walking towards y/n and her friend.

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