Chapter 4

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"Good morning you two lovebirds!", Jack shouted. Can't he knock on the door? Just one time? Mac opened his eyes and looked sleepy at me and then at Jack. "Hey there. Something happened?" he asked with a tired voice. "Matty wants to see our butts at Phoenix in 5. So hurry up, Romeo and Juliet."

After I brushed my teeth we drove to Phoenix. Everyone was standing in the war room and Matty was looking really serious. On the large screen behind her I could spot the faces of the men Mac and I brought into a Supermax prison yesterday. "They were a part of the organization named "DPHQ2", we have spotted them a few weeks ago in Cologne. The assassination was planned and should frighten the owner of the cafe shop, who has a long story with DPHQ2. We need to fly to Germany ASAP. You will get the rest of the information when you are on the plane.

The plane started towards Germany and we were all settled down in our seats. Suddenly there was a gun shot in the cockpit, and we heard our pilot screaming. The door flew open and a man with black gloves and dark hair made came in. He held a gun in his hand, I would guess that this was a Glock. Everyone hissed besides me. It seemed that they know this man better than I do. "Murdoc." Mac said his name like it's a cuss. "Oh, MacGyver, I have missed you." He said this with a sweet, but scary voice. He reminded me of a carnivore and his voice gave me a cold shiver. "And I see, Lucy is with you. It's always a pleasure to meet a new team member." How can he know my name? That's impossible. I know Mac since yesterday, and he is definitely not in the inner circle of Phoenix. Riley and Bozer were motionless, almost frozen. Jack looked like he saw a ghost or a horror movie and Mac gritted his teeth and he breathed heavily. This Murdoc guy must have made himself a name in this team, I don't want to know what he did to scare this people so much. "What do you want from us?" Mac asked him. "MacGyver, MacGyver... Always cutting right though, huh?" then he paused "You have something what I need. And you will bring it to me. Otherwise, you'll all die." Mac covered his fear and just answered in a relaxed tone "We will never tell you where Cassian is held. He must have to learn some days that we can't pick our fathers, Murdoc" This last sentence. It seems like it came from his heart. Like that this was a lesson he had to learn. "I will Zip-Tie you all, alright? If you don't listen to me, we are all dead. Well, everyone besides of me. So I will fly the plane to a little place in the alps where no one will ever find us." He tied us all up together while he held the gun on us. After he closed the Cockpit door, we were alone and no one spoke. After a while I broke the silence: "Any idea how to get out of this?" Jack answered: "We won't get out when we are on the plane, Princess. We will have to wait, even though I want to punch this guy right in his face. He will start to play mind games with us. So be prepared." I couldn't get my eyes off Mac. He looked so determined and serious, but also worried. He met my look and smiled. We moved toward each other until we sat down right next to the other one. I leaned over to him and heard his bumping heart. He really calmed me, completely without words, just with his presence. He mumbled something in my hair, it sounded like "everything is going to be fine" and "I'm so, so sorry for bringing you into this". I turned myself around to see his beautiful eyes. We looked us a long time in our eyes until the airplane started the landing. We sat upright and prepared us for whatever will follow now. After the touch-down, which was pretty smooth for a non-pilot, Murdoc appeared in the door frame "Let's move, shall we?" I hated his little, childish smile as he showed us a working taser in his right hand. We got up and walked down the stairs. This view was amazing, even though the reason why we are here isn't that amazing.
We entered an old cabin and Murdoc pushed us into a room with no light and no windows. "So, I hope you don't mind if I have a little talk your friend MacGyver." He pulled Mac out of the room and left us in darkness. "Oh, please don't hurt Mac..." I said to myself, but they heard me clearly. Riley said: "He will be fine. It's not as bad as Cairo, and he is tougher than you think." Jack added: "Hey! What happens in Cairo, stays in Cairo." I was really curious about that story, but I wanted to ask Mac about this. "Hey guys, I know that I'm new in this team, but I would give my life to save yours." I just needed to say this right now.

Hey guys!!!

Thanks for reading. This chapter has exactly 900 words, try that! I hope you like this one, I tried to pack a little bit of action in it.

Sophie Greater

Improvise or die - A MacGyver FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now