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This is a story about a girl. Not unlike any other, she wandered aimlessly through time afraid to make bonds since she knew everyone would eventually leave her. A pointless existence with her only goal being to oversee the destiny of the keyblade wielders.There was once a boy she knew. He was chosen to be one of the Dandelions who would later go on and build a new world after the ancient Keyblade war was over. But right after the beginning of the war, he disappeared and she never saw him again.Through her aimless wandering, she met a young Eraqus and Xehanort since she also spent some time at Scala ad Caelum (Stairway to Heaven). It was once a city where all the decisions of the fate of the Keyblade wielders were made and so she had a very important role there; to secretly oversee every decision that was made. So she pretended to be a student training with both Eraqus and Xehanort. But those two found out her secret and therefore she had to leave erasing everyone's memories of her.(Y/n) appeared in front of the door in the Land of Departure, her (e/c) eyes blank not remembering who she was or how she got there. She was found lying unconscious on the floor by Eraqus. He called his two students Aqua and Terra and asked them to take her to one of the empty rooms in the castle. It took weeks before (Name) woke up.One night there was what looked like a shooting star that flew toward the castle right towards (y/n). The bright light woke everyone up and they all came running to see what had happened. There was a bracelet on the girl's arm that wasn't there before. Slowly she too opened up her eyes and everyone was taken back by amazement. She was finally awake.The girl looked around confused not knowing what was going on. Aqua came closer and introduced herself and the other two. The girl, still having an empty expression in her eyes only said: "I'm (y/n)". Then Terra came closer and started asking her all sorts of questions. Like where she's from if she knows what keyblades are and so on and so forth. (y/n's) head started hurting like crazy and she felt strong pain in her chest. Suddenly she collapsed from the pain. Eraqus gave Terra the look and the young keyblade wielder looked down with a sad expression, sighing. "Master, what do you think was the meaning of that light?" asked Aqua looking worried. "For now, I cannot know. Only time will be able to tell...

This was a pretty short chapter just wanted you guys to slowly get into the story since I don't want things to happen too quickly. I will write more in the next chapter and I hope you guys enjoy it ❤️

The girl lost by time              (Ventus x FEMreader)Where stories live. Discover now