The Proposal

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"Well, it seems to me that the best relationships -- the ones that last -- are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person who was just a friend is suddenly the only person you can imagine yourself with."

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It was Harry's 18th birthday today, so naturally, everyone decided to get together to celebrate. Though, that wasn't until later that night, so currently Harry was spending his day with Hermione. Ron had said he felt bad about not being able to make it, but he was out with Elaine all day. His new girl friend, who was only slightly more crazy than Lavender, though a lot more like-able.

"So how does it feel?" Hermione said, turning to Harry on the sofa on their flat that they'd shared with Ron.

"How does what feel?" Harry asked

"Being eighteen." she said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world

"Same as being seventeen, I suppose." he said, which caused Hermione to roll her eyes.

"Come on, it must feel a little different." she said "This is your first birthday with out having the constant fear of a dark lord trying to kill you. Surely that counts for something?"

He shook his head. "Voldemort might be dead, but there are tons of death eaters still out there on the run after he died. And I bet they're all planning on killing me." he said

"Well, why don't you ask your boyfriend if your so worried about it?" Hermione teased "Surely Malfoy must know what death eaters want with you."

"Mione, you know just because I can tolerate Malfoy now, doesn't mean anything." Harry explained "I mean, you might recall him saving my life by tossing me my wand during the battle?"

Hermione pursed her lips. "You may also recall him bullying us for seven years prior to that?" she said mockingly. "Though, in all seriousness I believe Malfoy has actually changed. I'm just surprised you forgave him so fast."

"I did not forgi--" Harry started, but was cut off by a loud snap.

"Totally unsuccessful trip, if you ask me." Elaine said, after aparating in with Ron.

"What was?" Hermione asked, turning her attention to the couple

"I was in Diagon Alley trying to find inspiration for my new fall collection but nothing really stood out." she sighed. "And Witch Weekly is expecting something by the end of the week. I'll look like an idiot showing up empty handed."

"No you won't." Ron said, putting a comforting arm around her shoulders "You'll be fine."

"Maybe..." Elaine trailed off in thought "Though, I suppose none of this really matters now does it? Not when we have an amazing birthday party planned!"

Harry tensed at the words. "You know, we don't even need to--" he began to protest, though Hermione wouldn't let him finish.

"Oh for the love of Merlin, stop being so selfless all the time!" she said "After everything you've been through, the least you deserve is a birthday party! I'm not even sure you've ever had one."

Elaine smiled at the two. "You guys said you were friends right?" She said causing Harry and Hermione to glance nervously at each other.

"Yeah, why?" Harry finally spoke up.

"And if it has anything to do with Ron telling you that we're more, just ignore him. He's a little annoying with his theory that we're secretly dating." Hermione added but Elaine just shook her head.

"No, it's just...the way you two are around each other. The way you look at each's magical." She explained "I mean, people search their whole life in hopes to find a connection like that."

"We're friends." Hermione said "Best friends."

Ron rolled his eyes. "You know, many people believe that the best relationships are those that are rooted in friendship." He said, sounding particularly wise for himself.

"I'm taking you got that from Ginny?" Harry assumed and Ron nodded

"It doesn't matter, though." he brushed it off. "What matters is that you and Hermione obviously feel something for each other."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "I feel strongly for Harry...but not like that." she said "He's like my brother."

"And Hermione's the closest thing I've got to a sister." Harry agreed

"And that's exactly where the two of you are going wrong." Ron said "If you keep convincing yourselves that you're brother and sister, than you're never gonna give yourselves the chance to explore if there could be anything more."

Harry looked over at Hermione, who seemed to be refusing to meet his stare, though he was unsure why. Maybe it was because she was embarrassed. Either because Ron would suggest such a thing, or because the idea of the two of them together made her uncomfortable.

"So what exactly are you going with this, may I ask?" Hermione responded sharply

"You and Harry are going to live like a couple for a whole month. Of course you don't have to be too physical at the start, but all I'm asking is that when you see each other, you think of each other as boyfriend & girlfriend." Ron explained, grinning like a mad man, evidently proud of his plan.

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