The Birthday Party

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"They stood there pretending to just be friends when all the while everyone in the room could see that they were only existing for each other."

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"Happy birthday!" Ginny ran into the apartment and gave Harry a huge hug. "Cedric and I were caught up in practice so we were running a bit late."

"Oh you're not late at all Gin." Hermione reassured her "You are the only ones here, well besides for Ron and Elaine."

Ginny smiled. "Great then." she said "I was really worried the party would have started with out us."

Ron laughed at the idea. "I think we'd all be too scared to start the party without you." he said "You're just a little short of crazy, we wouldn't do anything to purposely set you off."

"You better not." Ginny said and then turned to Cedric. "Anyway, we wanted to let you guys know that our team made it to the World Cup!"

Harry's jaw dropped. "What? That's crazy!"

Cedric shrugged. "Maybe for those of us who traded in their Quidditch Jersey for an Auror uniform." he teased

"Quidditch is a game...Now that Voldemort's gone for good, I really just want to focus on my future, you know?" Harry sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Speaking of the future..." Ron said with a mischievous smile "Why don't you tell them the good news, eh?"

Harry grimaced. "I don't really see how those things go together." he protested

"Maybe because you'll spend your future with her?" Ron suggested causing Ginny to nearly scream with excitement.

"Holy Merlin!" she yelled "Did Harry finally get a girlfriend?"

"Finally?" Harry questioned, only sounding somewhat hurt by the choice of words

Elaine jumped up and smiled. "And I bet you already know who it is!" she squealed.

Ginny looked around the room, until her eyes landed on Hermione. "Oh. My. God." she said "The inevitable has happened at last!"

"I know!" El squealed, pretending as if she didn't know that their relationship wasn't as genuine as Ginny may have thought

"I need to hear everything!" Ginny said grabbing Hermione's arm. "And please, don't spare any details!"

Hermione laughed away her nerves. "Well, what is it you want to know exactly?" she asked "I mean, I don't really know what to say..."

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Ugh, I hate new relationships." she said "It's like you're walking on eggshells, so you try and become more careful, which, in turn only makes you boring...Though I thought you would at least tell me something. I mean, I am your best friend after all, right?"

Hermione nodded. "Of course you are, Gin." she said

"Oi!" Ron snapped "What am I then? Chopped liver?"

"As good as." Hermione said before turning her attention back to Ginny. "Anyways, I suppose I wasn't telling you much because it's all still so new to me, you know? I don't how to act, what to say..."

"Walking on egg shells." Ginny finished for her

"Exactly." She agreed with a smile.

"Well, even if you can't tell me everything...I am still happy for you nonetheless."

"Thanks Gin." Hermione smiled, pulling her in for a hug.

"Anyways, back to the birthday boy!" Ginny said once Hermione had pulled away. "I cannot believe you are actually eighteen!"

Harry laughed. "I suppose this is what having a mother would've felt like?" he teased, causing Ginny to hit him on the arm

"Oh shut up, Harry!" she yelled "I was just trying to be happy for the person who I considered my favorite brother..."

"What the bloody hell is going on here?" Ron said "I'm not Hermione's best friend and I'm not Ginny's favorite brother? Has the world gone mad?"

Elaine placed her hand in his. "Well you are my most amazing boyfriend." she said. "You know, if that counts for anything?"

Ron smiled brilliantly at her. "Of course it does." he assured her, while Ginny was pretending to throw up.

"Gross." she muttered under her breath causing Cedric to quietly warn her to 'be nice'. Though no one seemed to notice, due to a sudden knocking at the door.

"I'll get it." Hermione offered and walked across the living room to the front door, to reveal Neville and Luna behind it.

"Hello Hermione." Luna greeted "We're so happy you have invited us over to celebrate Harry's birthday."

"Of course. Why wouldn't we?"

Luna shrugged. "I'm not quite sure, actually." she said while placing a hand over her stomach "Neville believes that the babies making me think a bit odd at times."

"I never meant it in a bad just have been letting your emotions get the better of you." Neville said draping his arms around his shoulders.

"Yes. I think so too." She agreed before turning her attention back to the group of people in front of her. "Anyways, you have good news?"

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows. "What makes you say that?" She asked Luna, who hadn't seemed dazed in the slightest.

"The aura of energy that you possess is great." She said "Similar to Harry's..."

"Oh, that's cool." Hermione said, doing her best not to sound freaked out.

"Yes, I think so too." The blond agreed with her. "Now how long has it been since you two got together?"

"How could you have possibly known?" Hermione said "It's been a few hours and the only people we've told are in this room."

"Yes, but as I said before, your auras are particularly strong and seem to be gravitating towards each other. Like magnets."

Harry and Hermione looked at each other, if their relationship was forced upon them nearly three hours ago by their best friend, and they hadn't had anything more than a platonic relationship before...what was making Luna say those things?

Maybe Ron was right...

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