The Water Fight

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You could see it in their eyes;
they weren't quite friends anymore.

The way she smiled for him?
Friends don't smile like that.

The way he put his hand on her back?
Friends don't touch each other like that.

The way her face lit up when he spoke?
Friends don't look at each other like that.

The way his voice changed when he said her name?
Friends don't talk like that.

Anyone could see it, clear as day.
They weren't quite friends anymore;
they'd grown into something greater.

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Once the party had come to an end, the only people left at the flat were Ron, Elaine, Harry and Hermione.

"Well, today was certainly fun." Elaine said as Ron helped her with her coat.

"It certainly was." Ron agreed, turning to face Harry and Hermione who were on the sofa. "I also wanted to let you guys know that I'll be spending this month with Elaine. She has work over in Paris."

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows "I thought Fashion Week was over?"

"Oh, it is." El agreed "But the world of fashion never is...and my publicist has been non stop nagging me to finish that fall collection I was talking about earlier, and I have to go to Paris for the material they offer over there...They also have better models."

"Oh okay." Hermione smiled, pretending she cared about all of that "Well, I guess we'll see you in a month's time then?"

Ron nodded. "Absolutely, Hermy." he said "And owl us everyday with updates on everything going on between you two."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Merlin, Ron I'm not doing that!" she snapped "It's a waste of parchment and I'm always running out enough as it is."

"Bossy, bossy." He said with his arms up to surrender "At least let me know if Harry's giving you any problems, yeah? You're like a sister to me. I can't let anything happen to you."

Hermione smiled and thanked him before hugging him goodbye and soon enough, it was only Harry and herself left in the flat.

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Harry buried his head in his hands. "Isn't this supposed to be a romantic movie?" He said "Because it's really pissing me off for a romance."

Hermione laughed. "Well, many people consider Romeo and Juliet a romance even though it's a tragedy and they both end up killing themselves in the end." She said

"They do?" Harry said under his breath "Look, all I'm saying is that if we were on a sinking ship, you better share your life boat with me."

Hermione pretended to think about it. "Well, I don't big is the boat?" She teased

"Big enough for the two of us." He said which immediately sent Hermione doubling over laughing.

"You mean like the life boat Rose was on? And how Jack could have easily fit on if she had just put in the effort to move over?" She said with an eyebrow raised

"I'm telling you Hermione, that was the worst movie I've ever seen." Harry said, lying back on the couch, his head right next to Hermione's lap.

"Well, why don't I make it up to you another night, huh?" She asked looking down at him. "We could watch the greatest movie of all time?"

"Oh yeah? And what would that be?" He asked meeting her eyes

"Clueless, obviously!"

Harry laughed. "Quite ironic that you of all people would like a movie called 'clueless'." He said

"Because I'm extremely smart?" Hermione asked, emphasizing the 'extremely'.

"Obviously." He said, mocking how she said it to him just a few seconds ago.

Hermione didn't respond but instead rolled her eyes and threw a pillow at him before running off into the kitchen laughing.

"Hey!" Harry yelled, fumbling clumsily until his feet were on the floor and he could start to run after Hermione. His glasses were now askew, and his hair was even messier than usual.

Hermione laughed and ran around to the other side of the island, opposite of where Harry was standing.

"What?" She asked innocently.

"You know what!" He said walking over to the sink and grabbing the removable faucet from its holder, and pointing it at Hermione like a gun. "Just apologize."

"I can't." She giggled "I'm sorry."

Harry shook his head. "No, I'm the one who should be sorry." He said

"Harry, no!" She screamed right as he had turned on the sink with the removable faucet still pointed at her.

"Harry James Potter you better put that down right now or so Merlin help me!" Hermione said, ducking behind the island

"I told you, all you need to do is apologize!" he said, unable to move from his spot because the faucet wouldn't go much farther, thought he hadn't given up on trying to get her.

"Hermione, however, was rather adamant on not apologizing, so she decided to reach for a cutting board on the counter top and hold it out in front of her to shield her from the water coming at her.

"I already told you I'm not---" suddenly Hermione fell backwards, and Harry had unsuccessfully tried to save her, ultimately ending with him on top of her. And Hermione knew, that logically, it wouldn't make sense for her to be nervous about this. She had done her best to convince Ron that they were like brother and sister, but if Hermione really saw Harry as a brother, wouldn't she just push him off? Or laugh about it?

But no, instead Hermione couldn't help but get lost in his eyes. The way that she could look at him and know exactly what he's feeling. The way she was looking at him and the way he was looking at her...

Well, in truth, she hadn't come to understand what it all meant. The only thing she was certain about was that 'friendly' was no longer how she looked at Harry.

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