Monday 11:52 Live Love Learn

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One thing that made Charlie look forward to a Monday morning was the prospect of seeing Isaac at school. He hadn't seen him since the day before when Isaac left the flat. But he had to be at school now? Right?

Well, apparently not. He was nowhere to be found.

Charlie had to check the schedule of Isaac's class in order to try to catch him outside when the lesson was over. But people left the classroom, happy to be done with the morning and to finally get to eat something. But no Isaac. Everyone, except for the teacher, was gone and Isaac never passed by.

Afterwards, Charlie decided to go to the library. It seemed that it was Isaac's shelter, he was there so often... But no Isaac at the library either. Sure, he could have been in so many places other than that but Charlie didn't have the time to go around the whole school.

Giving up his search, he grabbed a sandwich at the cafeteria before sitting down with his friends. They seemed to be in the middle of an exciting conversation, given how heated up the three of them were. None of them even seemed to pay attention to Charlie when he sat down.

"-n't do that! Not like that at least!" Jack said, pointing to William.

"I'm sorry but you were so drunk you almost threw up on the train while it wasn't even moving."

"Well sorry for having fun!"

"I'm just saying there's no way you know how things happened at that point."

"He's right," Thomas said, laughing. "If you did, you wouldn't have tried to ask that poor girl out."

"She liked me, she kept smiling!" Jack defended himself.

"I think it's called taking the mick, but sure." Will laughed. "You get a pass for your birthday I guess."

Hearing this, Charlie realised what they were talking about. Jack's birthday in London. A birthday party he was supposed to attend, but was too busy cuddling with Isaac and discussing stars and books. He hadn't even given it a thought all week-end.

"Oh my word! Jack! Your birthday!" He suddenly exclaimed. "I'm so sorry! I forgot! It's just... hm... this weekend was kind of hectic with my parents..."

Jack shrugged, uncomfortable. He was probably hurt by Charlie's mindlessness but he was trying to hide it. Charlie could see it in his falsely unbothered look.

"But tell me, how was it?" He asked.

"Great, it was a super nice night. There was this girl and... hm... you kinda had to be there." Jack said with another shrug.

And Charlie nodded, getting back to his food and letting them continue to debate exactly how drunk Jack was. It was understandable. He messed up, he kept messing up.

And now his friends were in a conversation he couldn't get into because of something he couldn't bring himself to tell them. To each their own...

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