Bath and bed

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Note: I try not to be descriptive, but there's some nudity. Other then that, enjoy.

"This sucks," I grumbled, sitting on the bathroom sink as Samantha plugs up the sink after finding the right temperature.

Samantha squats down to get a better look. "At least your leg isn't broken. It's just a popped knee cap."

I cross my arms, muttering. "It still hurts like hell though."

"It's better than a broken leg."


With the sink filled to a reasonable amount, here comes the hard part. Getting undressed. That's not the worst part, to be honest. I need help taking a bath, how humiliating is that? I'm not the kind of person who asks for help. I usually like doing things on my own.

"Arms up," Samantha says.

"No, no, I got it." I wave her fingers off. I may have a hurt leg, but I'm not completely useless.

I pull off the wet hood, then the shirt, then reach for my bra. I look up to see Samantha still looking at me. There's a tinted blush on her cheeks.

Maybe I won't take off my underwear after all.

I reach for my shoe and pop it off with ease. My hurt leg isn't going to be so easy. I blame the skinny jeans. Now I got to think about taking these devil pants off.

Samantha sees my struggle and asks if I need a hand.

"Here, let me-"

"Look, I-" Irritation nearly gets the better of me. Realizing that I can't get mad her for trying to help, I'm also frustrated with myself for not being able to do something as simple as taking off my own shoe. "Would... like that."

A dash of joy crosses her face. You wouldn't be able to tell if you were a giant, but I'm small and notice things a lot easier then most. She must be happy to see that I trust her. Or, maybe she just likes to help.

She does her best to be as ginger and gentle as possible. Every now and then I flinch when my leg moves the wrong way, but besides that Samantha does a good job removing the shoe. Next, are the jeans which are going to be the death of me.

Sam stands me upright and I unbuckle my pants. She slowly begins to pull the left leg off first then right. I'm slowly put back down.

"S-so... do... do you st-still need me or..." Sam's voice squeaks. She's beat red and full of embarrassment.

"Yeah, I still do. I'll make things as easy as possible for you, okay?" I respond with as much sincerity as I can muster, Trying not to think about the predicament I'm in.

She nods and takes a deep breath and releases. "Okay, I... I think I'm ready."

I begin unclamping my bra but decide to leave my underwear on. Samantha doesn't need to feel more embarrassed and neither do I.

"I'm ready," I say, my arms hiding my chest. It's for both mine and Sam's sake.

Samantha, still red-faced, scoops me up in her hands then dips them in the warm water. I sit in her hands awkwardly waiting for something to happen. Samantha's hands are going to wrinkle up.

She puts me in one hand and scoops up some water. I know what she's doing and allow her to do it. Warm water run down my head soaking me. She giggles a little. Hearing something so childlike after a horrible morning puts a smile on my face.

She gets some hand soap, a teardrop sized blob of blue, for me to use.

I thank her and begin to wash my body. It's probably the most awkward moment of my life. To sit in someone's hand, nearly naked, and washing your body. It just sounds. So. Bad.

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