Christmas special

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"It's fucking cold," I growl through my chattering teeth.

Samantha rolled her eyes. "Quit your complaining, Caesar. It's not that cold."

I wanted to point out the fact that she was twelve times my size and on top of that, Samantha had the warmest clothes on earth wrapped around her body while I suffered with a thin jacket and a pullover.

"I asked if you wanted to stay in my-"

I quickly cut my girlfriend off. "There is no way I was going to spend another minute in your bra. I almost died from suffocation last time."

As much as I love the warm and cozy spot between Samantha's breasts, it's gotten cramped due to the fact that she has to wear so many layers in order to keep herself warm. And if Samantha over dresses for cold weather, then I underdress because I don't want to die of a heat stroke while being squished by two heavy mounts of flesh. Sounds like a blast, I know.

The wind blew and I swear I would have been blown away. I'm actually surprised that I didn't get swooped up like a kite and thrown into the wind.

I pulled on my jacket to try and lock out the cold, but the chattering of my teeth is telling a different story. Gods, sometimes I wish I could change into my bigger size while out shopping, but I can't do that.

Samantha doesn't want to run the risk of someone running into us and start to ask about the random girl following her around like a lost little puppy.

I get that. She's protective and wants to make sure nothing bad happens to me. I mean, who knows what would happen if someone found out I was originally a tiny but actually grew.

In North America, it's next to impossible for a tiny to suddenly become a giant. So it'd be weird if a person popped up out of nowhere and went about their day.

"We're almost done," Samantha says.

We better be! I don't know how much longer I can last in this weather. Snow is literally covering the ground and I'm dying of hyperthermia! Ugh, just kill me already!

'But, Caesar, you're from Canada and it's always cold there,' I can hear you say. Don't give me that bullshit! Just because I lived in Canada doesn't mean I'm immune to cold weather. What about the people who live in Arizona where it's an actual desert there, huh? Are you guy's immune to heat? I don't think so.

"I think I'm going to die," I grumble.

"Oh, my- Come here!" Samantha finally had enough of my complaining and snatched me off her shoulder. The teen unzips her coat so the scarf hanging around her neck puffs out a bit.

Samantha drops me into the scarf, creating a hammock for me. She zips her coat back up.

A fluffy scarf is a perfect place for me to relax and warm my body up. Why didn't I think of this spot in the first place? It's so much better then being wedged between a pair boobs.

Samantha, I love you, but your breasts can hard to handle at times.

"Better?" Samantha asks.

"Yep," I hum snuggling against the warm fabric. "Guess that means extra brownie points for you."

Samantha snorts. "Sure, Caesar."

The walk back to the car was as quick as the wind could howl. It was already started and warmed up, waiting for Samantha to enter.

The brunette quickly hops in the car and presses her hands as close as possible to the heated air. Her rosy cheeks and snow-kissed nose matches the feeling of the weather outside.

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