A game of Chess

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Ashley did what she said she'd do and got Samantha unstuck with the odd amount of strength she has in her arms and body. I was surprised when she able to lift the bed, but it faded when I saw two butlers also helping.

Samantha sits up. "Thank you so much."

Both butlers bow and one leaves. Daniels, the one who sounds like Alfred, stays to deliver a white envelope with a red stamped seal on it. "For you, miss Gains."

The brunette raises her brows, complete shock crosses her face and it's easy to see with the open mouth and wide eyes.

"T-Thank you." Samantha gently takes the letter from the butler and excuses him from the room. Ashley and I wait patiently for Samantha to tell us what she's received. With the shocked look on her face it must be something big.

Samantha looks at the envelope before making the split-second decision to throw it in the trash, the shocked look gone and replaced with distaste.

Ashley and I look on without saying a word.

Samantha wipes her hands on her pants like she's touched something disgusting. "Sorry about the interruption. Mom likes to send letters about her lab experiments, thinking I'd be interested in how rats react to this or that type of new chemical."

Ashley leans to one side and puts her hand on her hip. "I understand. My mom thinks that too sometimes. She comes rushing into my room waving papers or what not, screaming about new research or results. She does it at dinner too."

Ashley is trying with her best intentions to cheer her friend up, but it's the opposite of what she wants. Hearing how Ashley's mom can come in at any time and talk to her daughter or even be with her daughter at the dinner table would be a dream come true.

Samantha sighs, probably thinking about all the possibilities of having at least one parent home. She'd have a much happier life than being stuck in the here and now with her best friend and a tiny who can be a real pain in the ass some times.

"It doesn't matter right now," Samantha finally speaks up. "Let's forget about it and move on."

Neither of us objects, nor do we agree. It's more of a silent mutual agreement that we all move to a different subject.

"Now what?" I say seeing that no one else is going to move this sleepover, slumber party, or whatever it's called, along, I might as well try.

"I heard your cooks make some good fried chicken." Ashley pipes up. Thank the gods, I'm not the only one trying. "I wanna see if that's true."

Samantha bites her lip, nervous to respond. "It takes time for the cooks to get the chicken and fryer prepared, but we can play some other game while we wait."

Ashley puts up a thumb. "Sweet! let's play truth or dare!"

Samantha then jumps back in to make sure Ashley doesn't let this crazy game come to pass. "Why don't we play a game of Caesar's choice, ya know, since she played a game of our choice?"

That seems fair. I don't want to play some crazy game again that involves me running around while towering people simply stroll about without a care in the world. I don't need to get stepped on, but that went over my head easily at the time. Samantha doesn't need to get stuck again either.

"You got a chessboard?"

Ashley's bright smile immediately drops into a bored frown. "Chess? Really?"

I cross my arms. "Yes, really!"

Ashley cups her own cheek. "Gods, it's so scary how you two relate to each other."

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