The Griefer's Feelings

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Ellegaard's POV

In the morning, I woke up from my sleepiness. I got off from the bed and stretched my arms widely. I went off from my room to see my best friend who always here for me, Magnus. For me, he is such a funniest guy among us of friends for me.

When I reached to his room, I took a peek to see him but sadly, he's not in his room. I was quiet confuse. Last night, he told me about we should go to our breakfast together. Maybe I think he was already at the living room where me and my friends stay.

At the moment, I felt a hand quickly covered my eyes as I shocked and gasped at the same time. I heard a giggle behind me and whisper 'Looking for me?'

It's Magnus! He always making fun at me but he's good. He is way more mischievous than before.

"AAH! Magnus, get off from me" I laughed as I struggled to get off his strong hand from my eyes. Then his arms wrapped around me and I got being carried as I laughed wildly.

"No I'm not gonna let you go unless you stop laughing" He said mischievously

I can't believe how naughty he is because he's a roguish griefer, but at least, he's good to me as a best friend. To get myself free from him, I just pinched his arms which his weak spot was found. Magnus groaned as I freed

"Oh no, you're not going anywhere" I pretended to ignore him but I noticed he quickly grabbed my arm which to prevent me from escape since how stronger he is. He pulled me to his chest and give me a tight hug. I hugged him back as well. We laughed what we done each other. This is how best friends do, only for us.

"Hey Ellie, our friends are waiting at the living room. We should go"


We went down stairs with our hands holding each other until we reached the living room. We saw Soren, Gabriel, and Ivor are already here. Looks like we're all here on the table with the perfect breakfast is ready and we finally sat down on the chairs.

"You both are finally here" Soren smiled "Well, let's start eating guys"

"Finally, I'm starving" Ivor quickly got some food from the table

We started to eat our delicious meal on the table. I noticed Magnus always eating cooked cod and salmon. And the rest of my friends, they mostly eat cooked meat. I usually eating bread the most because it's my favorite food.

After fifteen minutes, we finished eating and starting to have our conservation. Later, Gabriel wants to tell Magnus about something.

"So Magnus, Is you and Ellegaard are a thing?" Gabriel asked him.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Magnus confused

"Well, since we know you two were best friends for many years, I think you should want her as your girlfriend" He said, but it is joke.

This makes Magnus blush

"What? No! We're just best friends!"

"But I can see you two are always holding hands"

Like Gabriel said, I just already realized Magnus' hand touched mine. Suddenly, he gasped and threw my hand from his.

"No! You didn't see it that thing! Don't make us pair!"

"What's wrong with your whole face? Are you having a fever when you stared closely at her that something fair to you?" Ivor asked teasingly

"Or do you think, Is she hot to you?" Soren joined with Ivor as well

I just saw Magnus' face getting redder when I noticed the first time what he did stare at me something. Could that be my butt? I'm sure he never did that because he's just nice to me, not being a pervert.

Then I had to ask him what's going on

"Is everything okay, Magnus? Is that true, you have a crush on me? It's because we spent each other as best friends for many years"

I'm waiting for his reply. After a few seconds, he didn't respond at all. All I just watch his whole face getting pure hot red. Suddenly, he just quickly ran away with his embarrassment from us.

"Magnus! Wait!"

Magnus' POV

When I'm back to my room, I quickly shut the door. I panted so loudly and panicking. My face is still getting red. The truth is, yeah, I do have a crush on Ellie and I do have feelings for her right now. I don't know why! I got some feelings! I could imagine her how hot she is! And I always stare at her butt even I'm just a bit pervert. It's because I've been spend that sexy lady as my best friend for many years. I'm scare to tell her about my feelings because I don't want to admit it and know she don't feel the same way. I want her to become my girlfriend now. I just love her so much.

I'm not expecting Ellie eavesdropped behind the door. If she did and understand how I feel, could I tell her that I love her?

And yeah, this chapter is a little short and the smut will start at the next chapter x,DDD
Hope you like it! ^^

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