Official Couple

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Magnus' POV

I slowly opened the door to see anyone looking for me until-


I saw Ellegaard. She's behind the door. Oh notch! I was hoping that she didn't hear anything what I said. I just looked away from her and covered my red face so she'll not know about the fact.

"Magnus? Hey, you okay? Why are you hiding your face?"

I just listen to her but I can't answer. I was too shy because of that. Suddenly, I felt her warm arms wrapped around chest and her head was on my shoulder. I just noticed she had to comfort me. I just blushed so hard.

"There, there, sweet little baby" she said quietly

Then she gently moved my hands away to expose my red face. She put her hands and moved her head slowly to my face.

"Now tell me what's wrong with you, Magnus"

Okay this is getting quite serious. I'm going to tell her right now or else if I don't respond since before, she'll understand and she won't talk to me. No! I had to reveal my feelings to her how I love her and I had to believe myself that I hope she'll understand because we're best friends forever no matter what. I'm going to spill the beans off.

"Listen, Ellie. Well you see, I know you are my best friend and this moment is getting weird when I'm going to tell you the truth" I said embarrassedly. I noticed Ellegaard froze for a second. This is so ashamed.

"The truth? Come on, tell me, you'll be fine"

Okay I'm ready to expose it. I can do this but before that, I had to inhale and exhale. I'm getting so nervous

"The truth is I...I-I..."

"Don't worry, I'll understand"

"Well I-I, it's kinda like I really have feelings"

"Oh I knew you have a crush on me"

F*ck she knew it! Was it she asked before when we're on the living room! I literally blush so very hard and the heat came out from my face.

"Y-yes, I do have a crush on you! I'm sorry if you don't really like it, I understand we should stick out to best friends instead. Don't get mad, Ellie! I jus love you!"

I can't help myself and I started to cry all over the fact. I saw Ellegaard watched me crying. She felt her hands was being poured by my teardrops

"Magnus, I understand how you feel. I'm very happy you do have a crush on me. I also love you too" she said

I saw her smile and give me a warm embrace. I stopped crying when she understand, and I hugged her back.

Then I just want to tell her this moment I want and I know she's not going to expect it.

"Um... Ellie. I have one question"

"Yes. What is it?"

Okay this is getting more embarrassing

"Do you want to become my girlfriend?"

This makes Ellie surprise. I just look away because this is so embarrassing but I'm waiting for her response.

After a few seconds, I felt my hand was being touched by her hand and I looked back at her and she smiled.

"Yes, Magnus! I'm happy to be your girlfriend"

Suddenly, she pushed her lips against mine. I was very surprise that I didn't expect she kiss me. I completely melted and kissed her back while I put my hand to her butt and my other hand to her back.

Later, I got a feeling that is something weird. Since she's my girlfriend now, I kinda want to do with her right now. Oh dang! I'm really such a pervert since I'm a bad griefer.

Third Person's POV

Soren, Gabriel, and Ivor were spying on them while behind the door the whole time. They watched the new couples ended up falling in love each other.

"Aww I wish I have a girlfriend" Ivor said jealously

"Uh hello, you already have a girlfriend on Harper" Soren said

"Oh right, I forgot" he embarrassed

"Now those best friends are finally taken" Gabriel smiled "That is such a cute couple but when will they ever stop kissing? This is getting embarrassing"


Ellegaard's POV

I was in my room already. I walked to the mirror and took off my clothes, leaving my red bra and my red underwear which I'm half naked.

I looked so very hot and sexy on the mirror. I turned from the front of the mirror to see the reflection how my butt is. I turned back to do my sexy pose and stretch my arms.

After that moment, when I looked something not right, It's Magnus! I was surprise and I gasped! I saw him beside the door!

Oh geez! This is super embarrassing that I didn't expect Magnus watch me what I'm doing as my secret and seeing my bra and underwear. I quickly covered my body and my whole face turned red deeply of ashamed.

"Magnus, you pervert! You don't see anything right?" I asked panicking, trying to completely cover my body with my arms

"Me? Oh, uh? No! I just want to tell you about something weird" Magnus said as he came in and closed the door

"What are you doing?! Just get out! I had to put clothes on!"

I shouted at him to stop this but he won't and walked me closely and put his hands to my shoulders

"I just love you" he whispered to my ear

Suddenly, he pushed me to the wall and pinned my wrists with his strong hands. I tried to kick him off but he was too strong. He closely moved his face to mine.

"Oh, Ellie, you'll be fine. Since you're my girlfriend now, let's 'do it', shall we?"

"'Do it'? What do you mean?"

"Hehe! You'll see"

Now I'm getting scare what he is going to do with me because I don't understand that 'do it' thing. I know he's a griefer but he's so nice to me before.

Suddenly, I noticed his hands went to my back which he unclipped my bra. He took it off, reveal my big breast and it cause me to blush. I gasped and I quickly covered them.

"What kind of griefer are you, you such a pervert"

I shouted at him for what he did to me with his unwanted actions. Then he took out my arms away to expose my big breasts.

"Oh Ellie, it's only just your misunderstanding"

He proceeded to put his face to my breast and nuzzled them while slowly took off my underwear.

When I realized that I'm completely naked, my whole face turned red of embarrassment

When he's done, he looked at my naked body, causing him to blush. I'm so ashamed being naked in front of him.

"Mmm... you look so beautiful and your body is perfect"


My shout was being covered by his hand as I muffled

"Ellie, don't worry. You're going to love it" he whispered

Then he pushed me to the bed. He took my shoes off and I looked at him taking off his own clothes until he's naked as me. I just blushed on how hot he is when he's not wearing clothes.

Then he went to go on top of me. He locked my wrists with his strong hands so I couldn't escape. I don't have any experience of this and that's why I feel uncomfortable

I can't believe my boyfriend is such a pervert

"Magnus please, just stop it! I really don't like this! This is

"You got to understand, Ellie. I'm your boyfriend. Trust me, you'll love it"

Smut will be continue x,DDD

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